Tue 19 Sep, 2006 03:38 pm
No, the TV show you pervs!
It seems to fulfill some deep, base, animal need for lowbrow televised entertainment within my soul.
I'm so ashamed....
But I can't quit.
I just can't.
You are a newlywed. Get away from that crap. Get away I tell you.
We're both ensnared. We want to turn away, but we just can't stop.
See the family dressed like pirates!
Look, a woman who doesn't clean house and has a carpet of animal hair covering her bathroom tile!
A family of carnies!
We've tried SOOOOOO hard. But we HAVE to watch.
Short of an intervention, I guess you will just have to float in the toilet bowl of reality TV. Good luck to you.
I'd suggest a real life swap between you and Bear, but I'm sure your wife doesn't deserve that.
Well, she's a schoolteqacher, so she's plenty used to dealing with problem children!
And, of course, she puts up with me.....
My wife has become addicted to Wife Swap and I watch it regularly (collateral damage, you know). It can be painfully contrived and directed at times, but that's reality in TV Land. Ultimately, it's difficult not to watch the travails of hapless stereotypes (the "pirates", my God) living a life without balance and trying to raise kids.
I do think, though, that it is not aptly named; Mom Swap might be more accurate as few of the wifely duties are actually swapped. It would be interesting to see a hedonistic childless couple swap with some religiously-prolific procreationists. (Have their been any childless wife swaps on the show?)
Don't worry about your addiction, blacksmithn. It's not what you watch, but how you watch.
I don't watch much tv, but I'm curious; is there a show entitled Animal Swap?
I would watch such a show.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I don't watch much tv, but I'm curious; is there a show entitled Animal Swap?
I would watch such a show.
I can see it now. You swap your goat with Paris Hilton's chihuahua. Hilarity ensues as you try to milk the chihuahua and Paris stuffs the goat into a tiny handbag and takes it on a shopping spree. In the end you tearfully swap gifts; she gives you a half-eaten handbag and you give her a small wheel of chihuahua cheese. Riveting.
I don't think gus has milking in mind for that poor chihuahua....
squinney wrote:I'd suggest a real life swap between you and Bear, but I'm sure your wife doesn't deserve that.

let's switch with Brandon 9000 or gungasnake honey I think you DO deserve that....
Squinney and Brandon. Oh my friggin lord.
The world, as we know it, would come to an end.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Squinney and Brandon. Oh my friggin lord.
The world, as we know it, would come to an end.
and how about Mrs. Brandon? she's probably never even had sex with the lights on... I don't think she's ready for the Bear.....
Mrs. Brandon?! Is that you?!!
it is very addicting but get away from it now before its to late