Setanta wrote:
If you have originally copied that post, my name did not appear in it. So, you're lying again.
But i do see that your wonderful skill for making unsubstantiated assumptions matches or even exceeds your penchant for lying badly.
EDIT: You attributed a quote of Miss Eppie to me. She did not quote me, nor mention my screen name in her post. Therefore, you willfully typed my name in an attribution to a post i did not write.
Again, you don't know what you're talking about - unless you're saying all this nonsense on purpose.
Imagine this scenario:
I initially reply to you (by opening a new tab in my IE 7 browser).
The quote is originally one big block, but I arrange it so that I create a bunch of little quotes - referencing the stuff I wish to discuss specifically.
Now, I copy and paste the last quote (duplicate it) at the bottom of the textbox and go back to the regular page (which is normal mode, not edit mode). I copy a statement from another person. I paste it over the content of the last quote that's been duplicated, BUT I forget to change the name reference to another person. That's why it says "Setanta".
Most of all, I had absolutely no incentive to misrepresent the quotes, after all, what would I do it for and how would I hide the evidence?
So, which one is it:
You're not very bright?
You're a liar and blew this thing out of proportion for the sake of entertainment?
WOW! You're one strange fellow either way.
Setanta wrote:
And by the way, don't try to tell me what i can or cannot bring up here.
I sure can't. I was merely hoping you would not dwell on a childish claim that has no relevance to this topic.
I wouldn't be surprised if you kept mentioning this "pasting accident" further in this thread, but I don't care as I don't think you're very mentally ripe.
Setanta wrote:
You're off to a bad start, and i can see you doing rapidly downhill from here.
For some reason you keep attributing things to me that are relevant to you:
You're the one who was extremely bothered and uneasy by the fact that I
might have been off topic.
You're the one who blew the "pasting accident" out of proportion - which has nothing to do with the thread topic.
You're the one who started to get extremely obnoxious and sarcastic.
If this is not a bad start, what is?
Setanta wrote:
"Logic" has no right to appear in your screen name, although i doubt you'll change it.
"_obnoxious_smartass" has
every right to appear in your screen name, although i doubt you'll change it.
I hate posting stuff that's not related to the thread topic - especially since it may make me sink close to your level, but I certainly won't let you bitch-slap me.