Ancient Indians were the first to develop cartography.
Buddhist Jataka stories wrote about large Indian ships carrying seven
hundred people. In the Artha Sastra, Koutilya wrote about the Board of
Shipping and the Commissioner of Port who supervised sea traffic. The
Harivamsa informs that the first geographical survey of the world was
performed during the period of Vaivasvata. The towns, villages and
demarcation of agricultural land of that time were charted on maps.
Brahmanda Purana provides the best and most detailed description of
world map drawn on a flat surface using an accurate scale. Padma Purana
says that world maps were prepared and maintained in book form and kept with care and safety in chests. Surya Siddhanta speaks about
construction of wooden globe of earth and marking of horizontal circles,
equatorial circles and further divisions. Some Puranas say that the map
making had great practical value for the administrative, navigational
and military purposes. Hence the method of making them would not be
explained in general texts accessible to the public and were ever kept
secret. Surya Siddhanta says that the art of cartography is the secret
of gods.
Among all countries in the world, India has inherited
the largest number of ancient manuscripts from time
immemorial. They were written on the widest range of
subjects known to humans.
Indians have travelled around the world in ships to
spread their knowledge since millenia. The oldest
universities of the world like Patali Putra and Taksha
Sila are located in India. Scholars from far east and
Europe came here for higher knowledge.
"The oldest University of the world was founded at
Taxila, where taught the great grammarian Panini."