Universal health care makes sense, because the health of everybody is the responsibility of the federal government. That's the reason why the feds makes the laws on health and safety. When ecoli was found in spinich, it's the feds who has the primary responsibility to inspect, find the problem, and resolve it for the health of everybody. Almost the same thing IMHO.
i have recently decided to go against a governemtaly funded healt care system for the U.S.
Although it has worked successfully in other countries, we have to look at government run programs. FEMA, a representative for the UN, even the little government provided health care we provide to the underprivialged is in serious need of assistance. There are so many scandals with our government we dont need anther thing the governemtn has comeplete domination over so they can screw that up.
there are so many reasons why the US shouldnt. Although other countries have great people in the medical professionals in their contries people from all over the world come to the US because we have the best and most effiecent medical professional...why? because they have the incentive to work more because they get aid higher...yes our doctors are the most paid but they are paid that much money for a specific reason...because they are higly skilled in their profession.
seibentage wrote:
Quote:i have recently decided to go against a governemtaly funded healt care system for the U.S.
Not surprisingly, I would prefer the term "governmentally administered" program.
The rest of seibentage's post alludes to the fact that it is not always wise to entrust the government with the people's money, due diligence is always required.
I agree with Edgarblythe and Chaplin. We spend trillions on space exploration, multiple wars of various questionable levels of sense, and armaments to wend obliteration many times over to the earth and its people, but we pussy foot less some person get something to help his or her health and welfare.
Darwinian brutalism rides.