real life wrote:rosborne979 wrote:Science derives from the assumption that we are able to understand the world around us,
An assumption that presumes omniscience.
I said, 'able' to understand the world around us. I did not say that we 'already' understand 'everything' about the world around us.
real life wrote:rosborne979 wrote:It removes the bias that we are superior or inferior to anything in nature,
Not really.
Yes. Really. I just think you don't understand my usage of "superior" and "inferior".
real life wrote:rosborne979 wrote:Science reveals an elegance and mystery to nature which profoundly supersedes anything offered by religious dogma,
Thus contradicting 'we can understand everything about the world around us.' But providing comic relief.
I said "can" understand the world around us, not "do" understand the world around us. There's a big difference. You're obviously missing it. Maybe that's why you misinterpred the opening remark as omniscience.
real life wrote:rosborne979 wrote:and it leaves open the possibility of spiritual aspects beyond its own bounds.
Not often acknowledged, but good. In practice, though, this is ignored because everything is assumed to have natural causes only.
It's always acknowledged. Science must build from a foundation of naturalism, but it can never conclude that the supernatural does not exist. That is beyond the pervue of science, and everyone that understands science knows it.
real life wrote:rosborne979 wrote:Science is both freeing, and enlightening.
Freeing from what?
Freeing from the bias of perceiving things as a human. Freedom to see the world as it really is, without assumptions or dogma. The only assumption is naturalism, and it's unavoidable. But I admit it's an assumption (if we want to argue this point we should move to the philosophy forum).
real life wrote:rosborne979 wrote:But it pulls no punches,
Actually it pulls quite a few.
Name one.
real life wrote:rosborne979 wrote:so if you're insecure, and need to believe something to bolster your ego as a *special* part of nature, then close your eyes and sit back down on the pew, because it's probably not for you
Typical slam. If you're so secure, 'twould seem to be unnecessary.
Sorry, it was a bit of a slam. But it's also a complaint I have about religion. Many people do use it as an excuse to boost their ego by convincing themselves that they are somehow *special* in a supernatural way. Do you think I'm incorrect in saying that?