LW: The question, then, is do I hate the scratches and flickers on my old Criterion edition of "M" enough to plunk down $30-40 on a new edition? I don't think so. "M" is an old movie; I expect imperfections.
I will, however, pay whatever is needed when a competent company (like Criterion or Kino or Image) comes out with a fully restored series of early Marx Bros. films. I mentioned
elsewhere about Universal's release of the first five Marx Brothers' films. Unfortunately, there was no attempt whatsoever to restore the prints that have been in general circulation for years (the lambasting that this collection has received from
Amazon.com reviewers is, to my mind, totally justified). It's nice to have these movies in my possession, no matter what shape they're in, but I'll continue to wait for the day when they are fully restored.