I am sorry I have not taken time to write a responce to you in a few days.
I have had a lot on my plate, and have only really had time to stop in and post a few lines, then leave.
I think, one thing I failed to do with my answer was to specify the reason for WHY the term God, according to Wiccans , can not be used to refer to one god/dess
We recognize both opposing forces.
There is not one single embodyment of perfect balance according to Wicca.
There ARE exceptions to this rule.. though I can not think of an example off the top of my head...
But when you say god to a wiccan, we automatically think of the male forces. Not one single deity, or the one universal conscious.
It is like saying male when you are trying to specify an entire society.
The person who hears male automatically only thinks of the men, and not the entire society . See what I am saying?
And that is why I was really taking a strong stand point on the term god.
But, I just didnt make it too clear..
my own fault.
I tend to do that a bit.. I type faster then I think.
Quote:I see nothing wrong with an all powerful GOD even in this new system of beliefs I am slowly constructing for myself
I am not saying there is anything wrong with the idea. I was just trying to clarify what the term god means for a wiccan, and why.
Quote:all those things require a third part too, and more than that.
That is why I said 'sometimes more' because there are alot of bits and pieces to each puzzle.
Example- making sand.
yes, you need sand first to make rocks.
Then you need heat and pressure.
Then to make sand again, you need running water, other forms of friction to break the rock down, and heat .
But that is just an example.
What I am trying to get at using those examples, is that wiccan dieties come into play sort of like that.
There are many dieties and each have a specific strength. So , when you need one result, you can call on a few to assist you ( pray to them if you will) and the combination of those dieties bring you exactly what you need.
With that thought process, and that may dieties recognized, it is impossible for a Wiccan to see just one god / goddess...
Does that answer make more sense?
I think I really lost my point with my previous post..
I tend to ramble alot. HA!