Oh honey............. ( shaking head )
oh no, no no no..
First off, I need to say that I am not picking on YOU as a person with my answer.
What I am doing is just taking the text, and writting my asnwer next to it.
So please dont take it as an attack.. as it is just conversation.. but I cant guarantee that it wont SOUND like an attack.. ? Ok?
you said :
Quote:To me God is perfect Balance.
Good and Love perfectly Balanced.
Evil and Hate perfectly Balanced.
If you want to understand wicca / wiccans-
You need to know that the term GOD means a male figure.
That can not be balanced.
A balance is a perfect combination of both male and female.
To say God , only acknowledges the male aspect.
To say Goddess only acknowledges the female aspect.
and neither, by themselves, is a perfect balance.
For 'god' ( as the christians see it.. ) to be balanced, he needs to be omnipotent. With the outlines christianity gives him, that isnt possible.
But that is another rant all together.
Wiccans see BOTh male and female , in a sense, 2 seperate dieties .
It requires those 2 dieties to create balance. There is no way around that.
Just like in our daily lives, things take 2 , sometimes more elements to create ONE .
A baby takes a male and a female
To grow a seed, it takes dirt and water
To create sand, you need water and a rock
To create water you need hydrogen and oxygen..
etc, etc, etc..
Quote:God hates IMO those who commit murder for example.
But loves IMO those who love one and another.
Biblical examples that only come into play in a christians life.
This, i have no opinion on, other then christianity bashing statements wich have no place here as that is not the discussion.
Quote:Can't think of and evil good example. LOL but i still believe God is perfect balance.
See above.
Evil by itself is nothing.
Nothing is bad, nothing is good.
It is personal thought that makes it either way.
When it comes to life as a Wiccan, there is no good OR bad definations.
your ACTIONS are not always easily defined as good or bad.
You are judged by your intent.
Wich most people do anyway.
the man who breaks into an apartment, trashing the wholeplace to save someones life.
Well, in the court of law, that breaking and entering, destruction of property and tresspassing are NOT seen as a bad thing, because he was intending on saving someone.
Where as the thief who does that same thing, but with out the intent of saving someone, is thrown in jail.
Make sense?
Quote:Now the reason for the wicca post is because of all the symbols that represent a duality the circle split in half with an s, the star of david.
Quote:" I am building up my own personal system of beliefs that is based on every relgion and faith I have ever studied. Which includes wicca."
You have alot of studying to do.
So keep the questions coming, and as I feel comfortable, I will slather you with answers and correct information.
Quote:Wiccains in general DONT BELIEVE IN SATAN.
There is no 'in general' about it.
Wiccans do not recognize Satan as a diety of any kind.
He belongs to christianity. Period.
Quote:Good and Love perfectly Balanced.
Evil and Hate perfectly Balanced
I do not believe this is possible.
You are weighing 2 diffrent versions of the same side of the spectrum at one time.
Good = love correct?
So how can that be a balance when there is no opposing force?
Quote:(There is too many relgions that believe God became a man for it to be false. Although most of these other relgions believe in more than one God too.)
Actually, if you look really hard at 'those religions' you will see they are all a diffrent version of the same thing.
So , essentially there is only ONE religion that believes in this -god died for your sins- behavior/story. That is christianity.
Quote:I believe God is perfectly balanced Male and Female.
Then it could not only be referred to as 'god' as , god is a male only term for a diety.