wwlcj1982 wrote: Well, you don't answer my question. You are just showing the world. That's all. Still, I don't see any reasoning. It's the rational you alleged? I don't think so.
Nonsense - your question has been answered unambiguously, and your proposition has been refuted decisively. Denial, no matter how vigorously executed, is not a defense.
Quote:"As long as it's not been disproved, I'll stick to it. Maybe you would say it does not prove that what you believe is the truth.
You have every right to believe and profess as you find fitting. You even have the right to assert a thing or condition be a "truth" absent any proof.
However, the opposite side of that coin is that anyone may challenge any or all of your assertions in such regard. When it comes to "truth", "belief" is not an operative factor; the rquisite contingencies are evidence, its objective appraisal, and the logical conclusions to be drawn therefrom. Emotion, preference, and assumption play no part in the equation.
Quote: But if you choose to accept it, it is the truth(I accept it as truth).
Internally, and entirely, incorrect; predicate to that statement's contentention is emotionally satisfying assumption derived through subjective "choice" and "acceptance", not dispassionate conclusion derived through objective observation and analysis.
Quote:The only thing you have to do is to stay open-minded and willing to reason what you believe in order to get deep understanding. "
Indeed it is incumbent upon the reasonable to be open minded, to seek knowledge and the understanding thereof to the greatest depth and extent practicably obtainable. That precisely is my point. I do not out-of-hand reject or dismiss your proposition, I observe that to date in these discussions here no valid, objective, evidence-based argument for that proposition has been presented, and I opine that no such argument may be made. My observation derives from the evidence thus far to hand, it is a conclusion based on demonstrated fact, my opinion derives therefrom and is dependent entirely and only on the continuation of the absence of evidence to the contrary. My opinion is ammenable to revision through reason; it is rational. To date in these discussions here, no one has presented any rational reason indicating for any revision of my opinion. I am open minded, I will not draw a conclusion, pro or con, pertaining to any proposition, absent proof in support of that conclusion.
Quote:Of couse belief itself is not rational, it contains emotion elememts in it. Otherwise it would not be called religion belief(or faith).
Strictly in context of these discussions, irrespective of any other consideration, "Belief", in the religious sense foundationally requisite to your proposition, more than "...
contains emotion elements"; as presented, defined, argued, and defended, without exception or contraindication so far to date in these discussions, it is composed solely, entirely, and exclusively of the emotional, incorporating no aspect of, having no attribute of, the rational. That some such aspect and or/attribute may attach to your proposition is not at dispute; the possibility exists and in fact able, persuasive, even compelling arguments may and have been made in its support. However, none participating so far in these discussions on these boards - yourself most particularly not excluded - has even approached, let alone has accomplished same. Rather, you, in common with those others who to this point have undertaken the endorsing and espousing of the proposition you embrace and promote here, consistently forward that proposition ineptly, serving by such practice only to that proposition's discredit and inconvenience, not challenging, countering, and refuting the criticisms and objections presented thereto, instead inviting, typifying, and confirming those criticisms and objections. Passion, zeal, and commitment do nothing in the service of an incompetently presented proposition.
Quote:But for you information , the religion belief should build on the basis of rational(not disproving it).
For your information, I submit again you have this precisely backwards.
It is incumbent upon the party holding for the affirmative of a propostion to make the case for that proposition. No one need disprove anything; absent proof - objective, reproducible, severally verifiable, externally and internally consistent, multiply independently derived and mutually cross-corroborative proof - any proposition is but assertion, conjecture, preferential assumption, supported only by emotion. That a proposition unproven need be disproved is a tautology, an absurdity, a blatant and irredeemable fallacy; no valid argument may proceed from the premise.
Quote:At the end of rational, that's the beginning of belief, because of the limited function of rational which conclude from rational itself.
A meaningless assertion, without basis in, reference to, or consideration of demonstrated fact - an assumptive, afoundational, irrational, emotional holding as opposed to an objective, logically derived, dispassionate observation.
Quote:The reason why people tend to believe is their spiritual vanity.
You're on to something there, at least, though it would appear you do not understand that, or why or how, that very concept and circumstance decisively invalidate your central argument, terminally sunder the premise proximately and critically foundational thereto.
Quote:If you can't accept it, that's fine. But it seems that you have complete faith on rational, which I think is just as irrational.
Another absurdity; I have, and frequently, unambiguously so, explicitly declared and demonstrated - stipulated to - my willingness and ability to be persuaded through valid argument. Further, "faith", at least in the particular of that concept's association with and derivation from any religionist proposition or premise contextual thereto, by definition is no component of the rational, it is the antithesis of the rational.