Welllllllll. If you read that long article in the NYTimes magazine this last Sunday on fat and microorganisms - it's a little complicated. Towards the end of the article, it explains how some people will get more calories from the same portion size of the exact same food. It also mentions that if people were ever over weight, the number of calories they need to maintain normal weight will be set lower than someone who never was even twenty pounds overweight. Not that that isn't behavior related, but that one overweight period will affect a person for years, unrelated to the adoption of better eating habits. Will be back with a link.
I'm not saying you're not generally right that one can identify gustatory behaviors of thin people, just that behavior isn't all. And.. some chubby people do eat less calories than sylphs. I don't remember if that was in that same article, or another one I read this week; this was traced during a study on pre-gastric bypass patients.
My quibble isn't that people shouldn't adopt good eating habits - it is more that we may just be beginning to understand the complex metabolic mechanisms of weight gain and its effects.
An aside - one continuously thin friend of mine pointed out a difference between chubs and slims to me years ago, that a lot of slim people twitch and jiggle, don't sit still easily. At least some make more small movements, in my observation, which is anecdotal of course.
I agree with Calamity Jane about not shunning real food like a good rather fatty cheese. Portions...
Here's that LINK