Thu 10 Aug, 2006 02:20 am
this summer i traveled to europe and i logged my entire trip. i visited countrys such as , Finland , Sweeden, Denmark, Germany ETC. when i arrived home i reveiwed my logg and i noticed a section on airports. i had llisted all the worsst and the best airports in the countrys i spent time in. i was curious to see who agrees with my desisions.
Paris Du Gulle airport wwas the worst in the trip. there were people everywhere and the room wwas like 35 degrees (C). the people were rood and were un helpfull. i was there for 7 hours in the wrong line (whch they sent me too) and then they said it was my fault for not speaking french. after that ordeal they put me on a bus that went around the entire airport. it was horrible....
If anyone has been there please feel free to agree or disaggree on my point of veiw. i wont be on for a while so dont expect a fast responce.
Re: The worst airport in modern europe.
sillhouette wrote: i was there for 7 hours in the wrong line (whch they sent me too)
Job was impatient compared to you, sillhouette.
sillhouette wrote: and then they said it was my fault for not speaking french.
Can't blame them. You can't write English, either.
Yes, dear, the Charles de Gaulle can be dreary.
But have you ever been to Bolungarvik, Iceland?
i did actually wait 7 hours in the wrong line. i wasn't going to a flight i was coming out of one. it may have been 6... and i cant spell english just because i typed too fast? harsh judgement... i can not recall being in bolungarvik, but have you been too McMurdo station, pegasus failed, antarctica?
And you know the worst part? Everyone at that airport speaks FRENCH! It seems those French have a different word for EVERYTHING!
Do we expect airport personelle in the US to speak French for the French speakers? They would ahve to speak all the world's languages to be fair.
yes the woman at the info counter spoke an unknown combo of french and english... she used hand signals finaly and i got to the right bus. the whole process took around 10-15 mins
Welcome back, Dr. Scrat!
I've only been to a few european airports (Heathrow, Malpensa, Leonardo da Vinci) and, while certain aspects of my time in them were trying, I have to say I basically enjoyed the experiences.
well, judging by the crisis in heathrow, i doubt its very appealing now allthough i agree that it is a nice airport during a low terror level.
I'd say Schiphol is the best airport in Europe, pants down. A relaxed atmosphere due to everyone smoking weed and all (after all, we are talking about the Netherlands here). Not only that, but some of those blimey dutchmen (and women of course) have learned to speak a civilised tongue apart from that barbaric mumble jumble that rolls from their tongue and that they refer to as dutch.
And for the uninitiated, with civilised tongue I mean of course lati... err, english
Thanks, Osso.
Well, leave it to a sabre tooth squirrel to sneak back in under a new name.
Took ya long enough, too.
Sorry for the hijack, silhouette, but Dr. Scrat is a treasured a2k member who has been missing for a dog's age. I'll just say one thing and then get back to the airport talk.
Dr. Scrat, if you want your old name and history back, click on contact us in little blue letters at the bottom of the page and then explain.
najmelliw wrote:I'd say Schiphol is the best airport in Europe, pants down.
Ehhh.. <blinks>
Of course Holland does have its own specific brand of licentiousness, which might surface one way or another on Schiphold too, but I believe that should read, "hands down"...
Oh, and yes, Schiphol and Heathrow are cool.
Ferihegy, Budapest, however... especially Ferihegy 2. Oy.
Milan. I spent a few hours on a Milan airport couple years ago. Also not good. Place was actually, my Italian colleague told me, quite newly built (with lots of delay and much funding lost to corruption), but it already looked idiosyncratic - like a holdout of 1970s/early 80s style and comfort. Very boring.
Oh, and though Heathrow is cool, Gatwick is a pain.
Osso, on our last trip to Europe (this May-June) the only airports we experienced were Heathrow and Malpensa (I preferred the latter). What a coincidence.
I was at the OLD Malpensa, my ex and I having followed our luggage there after we missed our connection to Rome. Don't ask, we were tired and stupid, made the decision in New York in seconds, repented at Malpensa for half a day waiting for an Alitalia flight instead of chasing trains. We were entertained by a religious tour group from Mexico on its way to Rome, singing hymns .... otherwise, besides the guy behind the bar, the place was virtually empty.
But, the coffee was exceptionally good...
In Heathrow, on another trip, I sneezed and blew my nose for a couple of hours.. I seem to be allergic to stuff they spray with in airports..
Our trip, as you know, was one of those worldwind tours, England, Holland, Austria, Germany, and (mostly) Italy (we preferred it when we went on our own to Scandanavia--with a side tour to Russia--and Spain (with small tours in each area but mostly on our own.
We started the tour at Heathrow. I did not like this, the world's largest airport, I hear. At the end of the tour we went on our own to Torino for two delightful days and then took the train to Milan for one night in preparation for the flight home from Malpensa (via Frankfurt). The cab drive from Milan was 35 miles. I told you, I think, how we enjoyed because, in the shadow of La Scala, the driver began to sing arias, beutifully, con molto sentimento.The airport at Malpensa was nice but the Frankfurt airport was oh so long. We lost weight, I'm sure, walking through it.
Re: The worst airport in modern europe.
Doctor Scrat wrote:sillhouette wrote: i was there for 7 hours in the wrong line (whch they sent me too)
Job was impatient compared to you, sillhouette.
sillhouette wrote: and then they said it was my fault for not speaking french.
Can't blame them. You can't write English, either.
Yes, dear, the Charles de Gaulle can be dreary.
But have you ever been to Bolungarvik, Iceland?
SCRAT!!!!! <smooch!>
I hated the airport in Firenze, Italy.
nimh wrote:najmelliw wrote:I'd say Schiphol is the best airport in Europe, pants down.
Ehhh.. <blinks>
Of course Holland does have its own specific brand of licentiousness, which might surface one way or another on Schiphold too, but I believe that should read, "hands down"...
What can I say Nimh... perhaps a deliberate faux pas?

Clever word play? Or just plain, dumb ignorance? I'll let you choose what option I was going for.
Miami Intl. is also nice during the winter months otherwise its like hell's airport... I think Tacoma's is the best in North America, it's not so crowded, the weathers nice and so are the people.
then again, Schiphol is nice. there are passed out dudes lying outside it though.
Small hand waving for appalling Athens airport - although this may have improved since the Olympics. I know Sydney certainly did. (but it's crap again, now!) Also suffered the chaos of Rome - long queues, no checkins open, noise, dirt - but this also was some years ago!
Schipol was good; Scandinavian airports are pretty good. I don't mind Heathrow - except for the mindless tedium - and I guess it's worse at present.
Charles de Gaulle was fairly awful - but nowhere near the worst.
Japan's Narita was confusing - plenty of signs - but not telling you what you wanted to know.