Thu 29 May, 2003 12:55 am
I'm going to this art "thing" next year and my last drawing requires a still life with demonic shading... now I have a rough Idea of what that means, but could anyone give me a little more detail on demonic shading?
_ _ I had put demonic "shafing."
- Tisk Tisk
NNY, I have never heard of that!
Well it's too late now, I got in, but all I really did for the shading was make it as thick and sharp as I could. Worked well enough I suppose but I still haven't the foggiest idea. Demon is to dark as angel is to light, my guide.
Demonic shading. As I recall you begin by killing a chicken and then....Oh, you say it's too late now? Good; the process is too gruesome to describe in mixed company.
I have never heard of it.......
eh, it must have been somthing your teacher made up in the hope of sparking creativity.
Portal, if you are referring to MY present teacher, I wouldn't put it past him.