Coloring my hair for the first time

Sat 5 Aug, 2006 12:41 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
montana and squinney...I've been coloring my own hair for years...so do you mind if I share a couple of techniques to make the process easy.

just "Ask Dr. Chai" :wink:

First time you're going to do this, you can use the bottle applicator, since you're doing your entire virgin head.....leave in the color at least 5 minutes longer than they tell you to....otherwise it might not get all the grey. remember though, if your ends are dry, they will pick up more color.

by the way montana...L'oreal is an excellent brand...if you pick up the L'oreal Feria brand, you've picked the best for both color and coverage of gray.

The tried and try directions below are for when you are re-doing your hair, but read them anyway for hints.

#1 - run out to a beauty supply store an buy a couple of cheap brushes that are used specifically to die hair.

#2 - take an old newspaper and line the bathroom flow with it, so no drips.

#3 - take off your bra and pants and put on an old t-shirt you can give to the cause...save it for all you future colorings.

#4 - mix up the solution in the bottle as they say, but then squeez some in a disposable bowl or any old one. Use the brush you bought to apply color.

#5 - lean over and part you hair down the middle, making sure to part WELL back on your crown.

CHAI TEA WARNING....The crown of your head is the easiest part to miss, and the most noticible if you miss it!!!!!! Make sure you get the root covered there!!

#6 dipping brush in bowl, don't be shy about getting enough dye on the roots. Don't be chintzy. after getting the roots covered in that section, working from back to front, part your hair just an eigth to a quarter inch over and work down the side of your head...repeat on other side.

#7 for the back of your head, it's really a world easier to get someone else to do it....montana, maybe a frenchman?

#8 besides the crown, make sure you get your hairline in the front and your "sideburns. if any gets on your skin, wipe off, and anyway, it'll get washed off by the 2nd shampoo.

#9 never mind what the box says about timing...leave in on your roots for 35 minutes, then you can use the rest of the dye in the applicator to do the rest of your hair, leaving that in 10 minutes...a total of 45.

Thanks Chai :-D
My mom says Loreal is the best, so I think I'm going to take the plunge with that the next time around ;-)
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 01:07 pm
Montana- How long did you leave the stuff on? It says that with grey you need to leave it on for 20 minutes. Also, after the first wash or two, the color softens.

You got me to thinking about it, so I just finished putting the stuff on. I had a bottle that was closer to my natural color that has been sitting in the closet. It covered all the grey.

Also, remember that Natural Instincts is semi-permanent, while most of the other brands are permanent. I have never learned to do roots properly, so I don't fool around with permanent dye at home.

I am sorry you are not happy with how it turned out! Sad
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 01:20 pm
squinney wrote:
Easy for you to say, Chia. Laughing

There she goes again with that "Chia" stuff.
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 01:34 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Montana- How long did you leave the stuff on? It says that with grey you need to leave it on for 20 minutes. Also, after the first wash or two, the color softens.

You got me to thinking about it, so I just finished putting the stuff on. I had a bottle that was closer to my natural color that has been sitting in the closet. It covered all the grey.

Also, remember that Natural Instincts is semi-permanent, while most of the other brands are permanent. I have never learned to do roots properly, so I don't fool around with permanent dye at home.

I am sorry you are not happy with how it turned out! Sad

No problem Phoenix. I left it in for 20 minutes, but my hair has always been unbehaved, so I wasn't surprised.
I also wish I had picked a different color, me thinks because the one I picked has too much red in it.
I'm thinking I might want to try it one more time and use a different color, leaving it in for 25 minutes.
I'm still scared to death to do anything permanent so I just gotta try again.

So, I will call a meeting back here in a month or so when I'm ready to go at it again.

My hair now is close enough to my natural color that no one will even notice, so that's a good thing Very Happy
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 01:46 pm
I once picked a color that had so much red in it that I looked like a hooker! Laughing

(It did tone down after a bit)

The funny thing is, that I really liked the color that I had when I put in the blonde. I just did not like having to do roots. If I wanted roots, I would have gotten a permanent color.

I could tell you stories about hair color disasters, that would set your hair on end. Once I frosted my hair myself. Not having the most patience in the world, I did not wait long enough, and my hair came out Crayola yellow.

I went back to the drugstore and got a bottle of medium blonde dye, and put it over everything. The color was absolutely gorgeous, because I had first lightened part of the hair. It looked like a very expensive "blonde on blonde" job. But when my hair started to grow in, there was no way that I could duplicate what I had. I had to dye it back my natural color.
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 02:06 pm
(BIG SIGH.....)

ok everyone....listen to ME!

I'm an expert!

Osso....no, you won't have a mess AT ALL...that why you lay down newpapers and wear an old t-shirt.

using the brush keep the stuff from slashing all over.

$120.00!!!!!! Shocked Shocked

NO WAY....I have 100% gray hair, I color my whole head, 2 weeks later I just do the roots from the crown forward, then 2 weeks later do the whole head....etc.

I would be in the poor house....for 15 to 20 minutes of hands on time and sitting around for 45 minutes, I am NOT going to spened $120.00

Montana, montana, montana.....throw that semi permanent stuff away and get some Feria by L'oreal....you don't need to wait 28 shampoos....I'd just wash my hair every night and do it next weekend.

Honestly, I can't recall how long you leave it on for the entire head, but like I said, after you get doing it (if you don't have much gray, and the dye is close to your natural color, you can go up to 6 weeks, you really have to give those roots 35, and the rest of the hair, since it's already been colored will soak it up in 10.

I am a total klutz, and if I can do it, anyone can.

One other thing....if you decide just to touch up the roots...you can mix up a little in a bowl, not mixing in the bottle, and if you seal the bottles firmly, it will still be good for weeks...it's only when you mix the developer and the dye that you must use it right away. THAT I got my my hairdresser.
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 04:19 pm

What was Gus doin' in the Ladies room???
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Bi-Polar Bear
Sat 5 Aug, 2006 04:34 pm
squinney wrote:

What was Gus doin' in the Ladies room???

helping me hold the camera....
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 06:25 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
squinney wrote:

What was Gus doin' in the Ladies room???

helping me hold the camera....

If that's what you call it ...
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 07:05 pm
(stomps foot)

You guys get out of here RIGHT NOW! You're not supposed to know we color our hair!!!
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 07:10 pm
Goodness......so much science.

I use L'oreal too...the one that lets you do your own highlights.....I just do it nekkid, with my big dyeing towel swathed around me, and use their touch up product between dyes.
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Joe Nation
Sat 5 Aug, 2006 07:27 pm
And now this from someone who knows gray (or grey) when she wears it.

Beth Ferking on keeping the gray...

Joe(I brought the batteries for the camera)Nation
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 07:31 pm
Some women are beautiful with gray, silver or white hair.

I wish I was one of them.

I'm pale and freckled and all grey hair does is make me look like a charwoman.
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 07:32 pm
Yeah...but that grey is coloured, and it SUITS her.

Skin has to harmonize with grey to look good.....mine will need to fade, or something (which it does, as we age, apparently...only mine hasn't.)

I look like **** when the grey bits ...which are mainly framing my face...are allowed to grow. I look exhausted, and I have to wear make up if my skin is to look ok....and I HATE wearing make up.
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 07:34 pm
What color do you do your hair dlowan?
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 07:46 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
What color do you do your hair dlowan?

It varies.

I think people in Oz are more commonly hair outrageous than people in the USA.

At least, when I was in New York and Washington the only people I saw with hair like we often wear it were the young, clearly funky, outre folk.

Sometimes it is quite red, with golden highlights...other times warm browns, with lighter highlights.

It is short, and very mussy/spiky. All gelled and such.

I have very flat hair, and I look like **** in the boring smooth styles that are so de rigeur today...but heaps of people are spiky and multi coloured here.
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 08:40 pm
I'm with Chai. I've colored my hair since I was 22 (I took about 3 years off in there but otherwise I've been coloring it). I am now 43.

Without coloring (yes, I know what shade it really is), it's mousy medium brown with a lot of grey. With color, it's strawberry blonde. Since I have white hair in front, that dyes lighter than the rest of my head -- instant highlights!

I don't use Feria but I may try it after the stellar recommendation. I use Clairol Nice 'n Easy (#104) and L'Oreal Excellence (8G - Medium Golden Blonde). The L'Oreal is slightly darker and the Clairol is slightly redder so I switch off every other month and it all blends nicely.

Chai's right, there are definitely ways to do this without getting color everywhere. Personally, I just color my hair topless (take it easy, Gus). It's just easier. I get a magazine to read and sit in the bathroom for a half hour while everything is percolating (after I've applied the color), then hop in the shower.

Both types of color (and any reputable hair color manufacturer) include a tube of a deep conditioner. It's enough for a month. You rinse the color out then apply about 1/4 of the conditioner, leave it on for maybe 5 minutes, then rinse and style as usual. Then apply another 1/4 of the conditioner in a week, then another, etc. The way I remember is to do the application on Sundays. Then once the conditioner is done, that week, I color my hair again, so it's -
  • 1st Sunday, color hair and apply 1/4 of the deep conditioner
  • 2nd Sunday, wash hair and apply 1/4 of the deep conditioner
  • 3rd Sunday, wash hair and apply 1/4 of the deep conditioner
  • 4th Sunday, wash hair and apply 1/4 of the deep conditioner
  • 5th Sunday, color hair and apply 1/4 of the deep conditioner, etc.

Of course, in between I wash and condition my hair as per usual. Also, one thing I've found is that the conditioner is a bit much for the hair right at the crown -- it can make it appear a little greasy. So I don't apply the conditioner all the way up there, and just shampoo there. I'm talking about a very narrow swath there, maybe 1/4 of an inch on either side of the part. But everything else gets the deep conditioner, once a week.

One thing about coloring: if you haven't done it before, don't try to make a huge change. Just a bit at a time, usually either your original shade or only one shade lighter, darker or redder, and no more. You can fiddle around later. But if your initial coloring is close, you won't feel too bad if it's not what you really want. After all, it's your own color (or very close to it). For example, when looking at the Feria site, http://www.lorealparisusa.com/haircolor/products/feria/index.asp , I see that I'm probably close to Candleglow Blonde (93). I could go to 94 or maybe 91 without too many people asking me if I was suddenly coloring my hair. If I wanted something more drastic but still blonde, I could go for something like 72. I wouldn't select a dark brown like 40 as that would just make me look like a middle-aged Goth chick.

PS Check out: http://ksks.essortment.com/howtocolorhai_rlbg.htm
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 08:54 pm
So, does this stuff stain porcelain sinks?
Plastic bathtubs/showers?
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 09:01 pm
Nope, at least it hasn't done that to us yet. It will, though, stain fabric. So -- keep it away from clothes and things like the bath mat.

The tub seems fine with just the usual rinsing that comes from the shower running. I don't think I've ever gotten it on a shower curtain. But the same thing applies -- if it's fabric, wash it right away. If not, wipe off. I've gotten it on counter tops and just wiped off and then washed with soap and water -- another thing to do during the half hour or so wait for the color to set. Also, I don't shake my head around or bend over too much with the stuff on my head. I am conscious of it being on and potentially drippy.
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Sat 5 Aug, 2006 09:08 pm
Do you do the roots thing at the back of your head, as Chai was describing early on? Am not clear if you do that all over the scalp or mostly at the top...
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