this might be more 'extreme' then you want, but this style is sort of what I was talking about.
Just do the sections that have the grey, maybe the entire crown of your head, and leave the back and base of your hair the natrual color.
Having your face framed with a shade lighter hair brightens your face, and according to stylists ( if they are telling the truth

) make you appear younger.
Besides that, if you only do a small section of your head, it is easier to coat the color correctly by yourself, and if you dont like it, you only have a little to retouch instead of having to strip your whole head of color..
know what I mean??
If you can afford it, go to a salon and do it.
Have them use a color stripper on your hair.
Instead of the color depositing dyes like you get in the stores, the color stripper brings out natural colors in your hair so it doesnt ever turn brassy, dry your hair out, or leave you with uneven color.
Hair color in a box is a deposit color that may not always take to every type of hair. It can leave spots of too MUCH color, or not enough.
It washes off after a while and you dont always have the full color you might have had when it is first finished.
The bonus of deposit colors is that you can retouch them cheaper and when ever you want.
The down side being , they might not take as well as you want.
The bonus of color stripping is that it is always even and complete.
The down side, is that you have to go to a salon to have it redone.
My best friend is a hair stylist. 20 some years worth of practice.
She used to do my hair and used color strippers only..
Compared to the box colors I was using, the stripper was the perfect solution for me.... but i also had the conveince of getting her to do it at any time.