Fri 4 Aug, 2006 03:30 pm
No offense, Reyn, but this City Hall is mighty ugly - an architectural mishap.
especially for a public building.
I like the brick too. The City Hall has a certain sturdy look, which I don't mind, probably from those horizontal bands of brick.
I know I commented on the other thread about the fountain. It sort of looks plopped there, circular in front of all those rectangular walls...
but I like there being a fountain, and that it has a waterfall effect.
Now that I see the library, though, the semicircular fountain makes sense with that.. and they are fairly near each other. The landscaping to the sides of that entry walk (or bridge) to the library is nice.
On my comment about the semicircular fountain being a little odd with the rectangles, I didn't mean to sound severe about it... more that it would be fun to draw in plan view to see if one would come up with the same thing - or another set of rectangles, perhaps at an angle, or some kind of flowing curve...
Certainly semicircles are used with rectangles in lots of site designs.
CalamityJane wrote:No offense, Reyn, but this City Hall is mighty ugly - an architectural mishap.
especially for a public building.
No offense taken.
As I said previously, it's nothing really special, but there's something about brick that I like.
Speaking for the overall character of the complex, it seems to fit together okay, even if it's not inspiring.
Jane, I commented on the other thread about the city hall being ordinary, or pedestrian... (can't remember, something like that). I don't know about truly ugly.... but it's beauty is pretty limited!
Now seeing more buildings, I'm seeing more circles... we have a theme here!
Osso, I hope you got a better picture of the whole complex. The city hall, courthouse, library, and police station are all quite close proximity to each other. In a roundabout way, I guess they compliment each other.
I notice that the library and police station have somewhat of the same theme.
Now, for ugly, I'll pick the building with what looks like Abbey Rents on the ground floor, the building with the pseudo mansart roof...
Yes, Reyn, now I see how it all sort of fits together.
The one building I kind of like is the tall apartment building.
Not to be obnoxious... I get a kick out of figuring out what I like and don't like about spaces, places... sometimes changing my mind.
I love brick buildings, but more like these kind
Have been trying to figure out why I think I call the City Hall pedestrian... (if sturdy).
the proportions of brick and glass, and the arrangement of the brick and glass... are somehow entirely deadening.
ossobuco wrote:Now, for ugly, I'll pick the building with what looks like Abbey Rents on the ground floor, the building with the pseudo mansart roof...
Hmmm, trying to figure out which one you're pointing at.....
I can't see Jane's brick building link, can you, Reyn?
ossobuco wrote:The one building I kind of like is the tall apartment building.
Here's another highrise we've got near our main park, which has a lake. Not a great pic, as it wasn't intended to show off the building too much, but you get the main drift.
Here's a better view I had of the library:
CJ, those sun slats (I guess?) really make that building look ugly.
Yup, I'm seeing it.
Yes, that other one that you don't like, isn't great, I agree. I just report them for you to see what we've got here.