Can't tell so much about that other high rise...
have to look at it again.
The library... I like the proportions, am iffy about the entry... not that it's semicircular, or has columns... but it is sort of a hodgepodge of neo Jefferson memorial, or something, or columns with a space ship on top.
This is the "back entrance", so to speak.
second story space ship..
maybe it's the hat brim look that bothers me.
What am I getting at... if you reference classical architecture, pay attention to their proportions throughout, there was a reason all those old buildings looked right. And if you break the old rules, do it decisively, with a spirit of adventure or a good reason...
From time to time, I'll add a few more photos of other buildings in the area that might be somewhat unusual.
roof on building by Mansart in Paris ----
link from
Disclaimer: I know not a think about architecture, so if I say something stupid, you'll know why.
That building to me looks very typical European.
I know in Vancouver, we do a have a few heritage-type buildings left that look somewhat similar.
Reyn, don't worry about stupid, I own the planet on that.
That building is in Paris and the architect was a fellow named Mansart. Mansard roofs are copied from his buildings. (Well, I gather there was more than one Mansart, but never mind). And, that was a sort of mansard roof, at least over the entry part, of that building I whined about being ugly.
If I ever make it into Vancouver, or find some old pics, I'll post some of the heritage buildings from there.
Oh, good, I'd love that. I know I would like Vancouver...
Sorry to be so post-y on the thread. Maybe someone else opinionated will show up...
Mind if I post some from my home town?

this is the old part of the public library.

the County courthouse
I'll stop there in case I'm out of line for posting.
Swimpy wrote:Mind if I post some from my home town?
I'll stop there in case I'm out of line for posting.
Hey, no problem. Thanks for taking an interest in the thread. This way, we can compare notes.
The front of the old library looks like the Parthenon.
The courthouse looks like a building very similar I know in Vancouver.
Ooh, that second building is delicious...
Here's a link to some pages that has a number of heritage buildings in Vancouver:
Vancouver Heritage Buildings
Thanks, Reyn, I'll look harder at all those tomorrow. Loud as I am about buildings and urban stuff, I can't just say that one was built then.... and how I could tell that, if I could.
Thanks, Reyn. I wish we had a website like that with all our buidling in one spot. I have to hunt and peck. I love the architecture of old buildings. My town is small but it's chock full of interesting structures. The modern buildings aroud here are pretty uninspired, it's sad to say. Some of your buildings remind me of ones here. I'll go see if I can find pictures of them. Ahh'll be baaahck.
We have a lot of Victorian houses here. This one is a Bed and Breakfast called the Redstone.
This one's always been a favorite.
Sorry the picture's so big.
Here's an Art Deco( Osso will correct me if I'm wrong) building. It houses the Post Office and used to be the Federal Building until the Feds gave it to the city this year.
This one's probably the same vintage. It was once a department store. Now it's the headquarters of McKesson.