Sun 16 Dec, 2012 09:01 pm - [quote="dlowan"]
I did. She ain't coming back any time soon...or possibly far as one can tell.
Yes. (view)
Thu 6 Dec, 2012 01:58 pm - I was not going to further respond to this, but I feel it only polite to do so.
First of all, I want to publicly thank Robert, Peter, and anyone else that has been involved with this fated... (view)
Tue 4 Dec, 2012 06:53 pm - I understand, but if this thread is indeed bothersome to someone, I would like it removed, if possible.
All this did not come at a good time for me. Today is my wife's birthday, and I have... (view)
Tue 4 Dec, 2012 06:16 pm - [b]Follow-up PM to me from "jgarrison" in response to [url][/url]:[/b]
"Okay, that's great news. He said in a conversation... (view)
Tue 4 Dec, 2012 05:50 pm - This private message was sent to "jgarrison":
First of all, I DID NOT write this 6 year old post. I merely quoted from an article from Associated Press (Nov. 29, 2006 12:05 PM). You... (view)
Fri 23 Nov, 2012 09:37 pm - [quote="ossobuco"]I don't care if others like Facebook better.. They spend years here and just leave one day? Chickenshits. Just say so if you don't like it, with perhaps a... (view)
Sun 18 Nov, 2012 12:36 am - [quote="edgarblythe"]
I haven't had cable TV since about 1992. When I go to someone's house, I surf the cable TV endlessly and find very little of interest. [/quote]
The... (view)