a little bird whispered in my ear, told me it was gonna be 80

+ sunny heeyuh on monday -- them bahstin marathoners'll hafta take it easy...
86 big degrees!!
blustery gusts from the southwest have been rattling windows, slamming doors; anything small not tied down has taken flight, both indoors and out...
Damn, we are only supposed to get to 82 here.
Those marathoners are going to be suffering.
C.i. thanks for the mention of the mentions (honorable and otherwise, I'm sure.)
Have I posted here that today we apparently have Dallas' weather?
We had LA weather yesterday.
So jes, does hot and windy make the allergies better or worse?
It's got to make them worse, if they're pollen related.... About 4 new species just flowered.
It was wild here today. Woke up to 19 celsius - it went up to 24 celsius (75 Fahrenheit). Then a huuuuuuuuuuuuge gust of wind came through (there are still power outages throughout the south and south-centre of the province) and the temp is now 3 celsius (37 Fahrenheit) with a nasty windchill. My ears were positively icy when I got back from walking the dogs. I was wearing summersummersummer sandals this morning and now I'm back in my polar fleece.
Having lived through my first winter in the southwest in many years, I realize why winters in Connecticut were so awful---NO SUN. Even when it was in the low 30's, the sun would almost always shine and if you stayed in the sun, it would actually feel warm. Getting in the shade is a quick reminder that it is 30* or if the wind is blowing, the sun doesn't stand a chance. But still, the sun shines and all's well with the world.
I had a friend in CT with whom I would bitch and moan about the grim, gray winters. She told me that she recently went to her doctor with vague complaints about not feeling well. He looked at her records and said, "You have been coming here at about this same time of year with a depresses mood and nonspecific complaints. I prescribe a trip to Florida and some sun for at least two weeks.
For some of us, sunlight is a necessity, not just a pleasure. Now, of course, the weather is even more gorgeous.
mac11 wrote:So jes, does hot and windy make the allergies better or worse?
Better inside, worse outside. Claritin doesn't seem to do it for me these days; I seem to need an analgesic on top of it.
We definitely have more stuff blooming - the daffodils are out and the hyacinth are just about out; before we had crocuses and something in the back which I can't identify but is small and purple. Plus the rose bush (which I don't seem to be allergic to - hallelujah) is beginning to bud.
I've had the same weather as ebeth...warmth, wind, then cccold again.
I just returned from 13 days in the center of North Carolina, near Raleigh where it was cooler than usual for late July. Now I am back home in Jacksonville, Florida, which also seems cooler than average for Early August.
New ice age is a coming? Neil
Hot hot hot here.
(But I'm new, don't know what's usual.)
We are within our normal temp range, but it's been a nicely cool summer up til now, so it seems really really hot.
It isn't the heat so much as the humidity that is killing me. This is good corn growing weather and if it keeps up I'm going to start to leaf out.
Acq - and my tropical plants are loving it.
They're predicting 100 for us today - if we make it, it'll set a record. (Woohoo.)