100 in Houston - and with that high humidity as well?
Yeah, the heat index is supposed to 112 or something. Heat warning, ozone watch, you name it. It's like breathing inside an oven.
Sorry mac, hope you get some relief.
Thanks guys.

There are ceiling fans above my computer and above my bed, and of course it's over-air-conditioned at work, so I'm sure I'll survive. I just try to not be out there when it's this bad. (And I shouldn't complain because I wouldn't trade it for your vicious winters anyway!)
You do have a/c at home as well, yes?
Yes, but it's wimpy. Can't get the apartment below 82 or so on a typical Houston summer day, even at its full blast, lowest setting.
Hence I live under the ceiling fans!
So, it's a little cooler and a little drier inside the house? It's amazing how well fans work. And then produce less heat. I've wondered about the effect of a/c on city environments. If all the a/c was shut off, would the city temp lower?
Interesting question. I think you might be right. Of course, if the a/c went off in Houston, we'd all just go get in our air-conditioned cars...
I don't actually think that the fans make it cooler or drier, they just make you feel more comfortable by cooling your skin.
yep, they help evaporate sweat which cools you down.
We're getting a break from the heat. The temps dropped at around sundown to 70 or so. Tomorrow's forcasted temp is 67! I hope you guys get the same break!
Sorry, I checked wunderground.com for your forcast. It does cool down a teeny tiny bit....
Yeah, we finally got some rain, and the temp is definitely lower, but it still feels kinda swampy.
we got snow
about 2" so far, just on the cars and lawns.
this is the earliest major snowstorm i've seen since we moved here in '95...
It was a beautiful snow all day though, It clumped, it swirled and it didn't stick. It's still not sticking so badly. But, it'll prolly ice up over night - not good.
Notheastern Connecticut got 4 inches, most in the state. and it is wet. I know because I just shoveled it.
eastern lake ontario : another beautiful day ! cool - just around freezing - but sunshine all day . went downtown this morning for some fresh bread ("kimmel") and fresh whole-wheat and honey buns - fresh sweet butter - what a treat ! a little more work in the garden this afternoon, covering up some of the more delicate plants and raking some leaves. ready for some tea and a piece of apple-frangipangi torte we bought this morning. hbg
Well well well, more snow expected over night and through tomorrow. At least I can shovel on the weekend instead of before or after work.....