Hello everyone,
I am working on a small task assign to me. I had to find the current state of the art tools/software and methods used in Doppler wind LiDAR visualization. I try to search google scholar for the latest research on this topic and I found some useful information. e.g
2D measurements are done as RHI scan or PPI scan while 3D scans are done by the combination of these two.
tools are usually divided into two main classes (special purpose systems, general purpose systems.) according to this research paper
I did my work to find the latest research going on in this field. But I will be extremely greatful if somebody give me some directions/tips or mention some state of the art papers on these topics. Thanx in advance. Xee
1) state of the art methods used in Doppler wind LiDAR visualization
2) latest research on 3D DWL visualization
3) which software are mostly used and prefered for DWL research.
4) which other scan are used except (RHI, PPI and Stare) ?.
5) Other techniques apart from pixel technique.
Thanx once again for the help