Responsible For?

Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 12:34 pm
Neo, if you are saying there was death prior to original sin, then how could it be that "The punishment for their sin was/is death" if death was already a given. Again it lacks logic, how can you punish man with death if death is already a function of life? You can't have your cake and eat it too!
neologist wrote:
You are the one saying death did not exist before Adam and Eve sinned. I don't know where you got that idea.

hephzibah wrote:
Actually chumly death WAS a factor because they had not eaten from the tree of life, therefore they were not going to "live eternally" until they did, which is why God kicked them out of the garden, so they wouldn't live eternally in a state of sin. Just saying... ya know?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 12:52 pm
Chumly wrote:
OK, where do it specifically say that if they stayed in the garden of Eden and did not eat of the tree of knowledge that they would with certainty die?

Most importantly however I am going on what Neo has said here and that clearly infers there was no death prior to original sin.
neologist wrote:
We suffer the consequence of Adam and Eve's sin. The punishment for their sin was/is death.

I doesn't say specifically that if they stayed in the garden of Eden and did not eat of the tree of knowledge that they would certainty die, but it does say:

21 Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them. 22 Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever"

Perhaps it could have been worded better chumly to say The punishment for their sin was/is spiritual death. IE... separation from God, which is exactly what happened when they ate of the tree.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 12:58 pm
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
Actually, Mega, if you examine Genesis more clearly you'll see that the serpent does lie about becoming as wise as a God. Neither Adam nor Eve become as wise as God, but they do gain the knowledge of good and evil, though why being naked is evil is beyond me.

Your Bible has a slight translation error if it says "God." The "God" part was derived from "elohim." Elohim refers to god and the angels and essentially means "divine beings." As such, the passage should say "you will be like divine beings who know good and evil." This interpretation is supported in Genesis 3:22. "Now that man has become like one of us [divine beings], knowing good and evil, he must not be allowed to stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." The serpent told Eve that she would know good and evil like divine beings and the serpent was correct and is confirmed by God himself comparing their new knowledge of good and evil with the divine beings.

Intrepid wrote:
Except, you are not considering that the death was a spiritual death. In other words, a separation from God.

For a woman who was just created--essentially just born--it is doubtful she would've known she had an invisible thing inside of her called a "spirit" or that "die" was supposed to mean a "spiritual disconnection from God." Remember, before they ate the fruit and became like divine beings they were ordinary animals. It seems absurd to think God would talk to ordinary humans, who were basically like dogs or cats at the time, as if they knew anything about spirits and that "die" was a metaphor for spiritual disconnection. Furthermore, it is doubtful they would've ever disobeyed if they had a "spiritual connection" with God in the first place, so if God actually was talking about a spiritual disconnection his punishment would be nothing more than "surely things will stay the same." That makes no sense whatsoever. From the context, God most certainly meant "die" literally and not metaphorically.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 01:30 pm
neologist wrote:
Sorry, I assumed you would have enough grounding in the scriptures to realize I was referring to human death.
Pretty hard for me to do consistently and accurately especially given the inconsistency of the bible and the huge number of different interpretations I often enough simply take what someone says within the context of the thread to be their stated position on the matter and go from there.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 01:45 pm
hephzibah wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
hephzibah wrote:
You are held accountable for knowingly aiding an individual in the comittment of an offense. If you know that an individual is susceptible to a certain thing and you aid him in obtaining that thing then yes you are partly responsible. You are your brothers keeper.

And exactly how does this scripture even RELATE to what you are talking about here mindonfire? God was talking to Cain after he had murdered his brother. It's a totally different scenario. Totally different reasoning for God even asking. It has absolutely nothing to do with what you are refereing to it as meaning. Abel didn't kill himself. Cain didn't enable Abel to kill himself. Cain actually committed the crime, and Cains response was out of a guilty conscience. God knew Cain killed Abel. Cain knew God knew and yet he still tried to cover it up.

Well the scripture is relevant in this case because Cain feigned ignorance of his brother's whereabouts and condition. You are supposed to know your brother, you are supposed to be your brother's keeper. To feign ignorance is not an excuse. He is your brother or neighbor and his condition is partly your responsibility. That is why that question is posed.

Shame on you for twisting this to mean what you want it to mean! That is not at all what this is implying. Read the whole thing:

Genesis 4:8-11
8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. 9 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is Abel your brother?" He said, "I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?" 10 And He said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground. 11 So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.

God gave Cain a chance to come clean about what he had done. Again, let me remind you that Abel was NOT the one to commit a crime here. He was an innocent man killed because his brother was jealous of him. Cain feigned ignorance of his brother's whereabouts and condition because he knew he had done wrong and was trying to cover his own butt because he was not willing to take responsibility for what HE, HIMSELF, HAD DONE. God already KNEW what Cain had done, but chose to give him a chance to be honest about it and he wasn't. This scripture is in no way relevant to the point you are attempting to make here.

Who is twisting what? Cain feigned ignorance to his brothers condition. You even state it yourself that he didn't want to take responsibility for what he had done. So if you give your brother the means to kill himself then you are partly responsible for his death. And you should take responsibility for your brother's life. Plain and simple, you are your brothers keeper. Everyone is to look out for his brother or neighbor. By your actions or inactions you can kill your brother or give him life. Where is the twist in that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 01:47 pm
Chumly wrote:
Neo, if you are saying there was death prior to original sin, then how could it be that "The punishment for their sin was/is death" if death was already a given. Again it lacks logic, how can you punish man with death if death is already a function of life? You can't have your cake and eat it too!
neologist wrote:
You are the one saying death did not exist before Adam and Eve sinned. I don't know where you got that idea.

hephzibah wrote:
Actually chumly death WAS a factor because they had not eaten from the tree of life, therefore they were not going to "live eternally" until they did, which is why God kicked them out of the garden, so they wouldn't live eternally in a state of sin. Just saying... ya know?

Unless the death is symbolic of something else. How soon we forget that the Bible is a Book that is full of symbolism
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 02:15 pm
megamanXplosion wrote:

Intrepid wrote:
Except, you are not considering that the death was a spiritual death. In other words, a separation from God.

For a woman who was just created--essentially just born--it is doubtful she would've known she had an invisible thing inside of her called a "spirit" or that "die" was supposed to mean a "spiritual disconnection from God." Remember, before they ate the fruit and became like divine beings they were ordinary animals. It seems absurd to think God would talk to ordinary humans, who were basically like dogs or cats at the time, as if they knew anything about spirits and that "die" was a metaphor for spiritual disconnection. Furthermore, it is doubtful they would've ever disobeyed if they had a "spiritual connection" with God in the first place, so if God actually was talking about a spiritual disconnection his punishment would be nothing more than "surely things will stay the same." That makes no sense whatsoever. From the context, God most certainly meant "die" literally and not metaphorically.

Why would they have to know these things? You likened them to animals like dogs and cats. Dogs and cats know what is expected of them, but they do not know why. They do not consider all of the pros and cons with consequences laid out for each. They just do what makes their master happy.

Why do you think something is wrong just because it does not make any sense to you? Are you the ultimate decision maker of what is just and unjust? You must have some sort of power beyond mortal beings since you can say, "God most certainly meant "die" literally and not metaphorically" Given this great gift that you have, we can save a lot of time and have you explain everything to us.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 03:10 pm
Mindonfire wrote:
hephzibah wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
hephzibah wrote:
You are held accountable for knowingly aiding an individual in the comittment of an offense. If you know that an individual is susceptible to a certain thing and you aid him in obtaining that thing then yes you are partly responsible. You are your brothers keeper.

And exactly how does this scripture even RELATE to what you are talking about here mindonfire? God was talking to Cain after he had murdered his brother. It's a totally different scenario. Totally different reasoning for God even asking. It has absolutely nothing to do with what you are refereing to it as meaning. Abel didn't kill himself. Cain didn't enable Abel to kill himself. Cain actually committed the crime, and Cains response was out of a guilty conscience. God knew Cain killed Abel. Cain knew God knew and yet he still tried to cover it up.

Well the scripture is relevant in this case because Cain feigned ignorance of his brother's whereabouts and condition. You are supposed to know your brother, you are supposed to be your brother's keeper. To feign ignorance is not an excuse. He is your brother or neighbor and his condition is partly your responsibility. That is why that question is posed.

Shame on you for twisting this to mean what you want it to mean! That is not at all what this is implying. Read the whole thing:

Genesis 4:8-11
8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. 9 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is Abel your brother?" He said, "I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?" 10 And He said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground. 11 So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.

God gave Cain a chance to come clean about what he had done. Again, let me remind you that Abel was NOT the one to commit a crime here. He was an innocent man killed because his brother was jealous of him. Cain feigned ignorance of his brother's whereabouts and condition because he knew he had done wrong and was trying to cover his own butt because he was not willing to take responsibility for what HE, HIMSELF, HAD DONE. God already KNEW what Cain had done, but chose to give him a chance to be honest about it and he wasn't. This scripture is in no way relevant to the point you are attempting to make here.

Who is twisting what? Cain feigned ignorance to his brothers condition. You even state it yourself that he didn't want to take responsibility for what he had done. So if you give your brother the means to kill himself then you are partly responsible for his death. And you should take responsibility for your brother's life. Plain and simple, you are your brothers keeper. Everyone is to look out for his brother or neighbor. By your actions or inactions you can kill your brother or give him life. Where is the twist in that.

Cain feigned ignorance to KILLING his brother. There is a difference between killing your brother and handing him the tool to KILL HIMSELF. Abel did not kill himself. Abel had no say in the matter what so ever. BIG difference. If you hand someone the tool to kill themself it is still THEIR decision whether or not they end their life. Which was NOT the case in this scripture. Therefore you are twisting it to fit your own agenda.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 03:48 pm
Chumly wrote:
neologist wrote:
Sorry, I assumed you would have enough grounding in the scriptures to realize I was referring to human death.
Pretty hard for me to do consistently and accurately especially given the inconsistency of the bible and the huge number of different interpretations I often enough simply take what someone says within the context of the thread to be their stated position on the matter and go from there.
That's one of the reasons I keep focusing on the first 3 chapters of Genesis. Much is explained. Yet it is a quick study. You should try it and then we'll mix it up some.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 03:55 pm
I started a new topic as I am destroying this thread, my bad.

I agree I should read more stuff, OTOH the benefits of assessing congruencies and applying logic should be able to support my positions without definitive biblical background per se. Albeit not perhaps with the same ease and grace at times.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 03:59 pm
Detour noted.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 09:34 pm
hephzibah wrote:

Cain feigned ignorance to KILLING his brother. There is a difference between killing your brother and handing him the tool to KILL HIMSELF. Abel did not kill himself. Abel had no say in the matter what so ever. BIG difference. If you hand someone the tool to kill themself it is still THEIR decision whether or not they end their life. Which was NOT the case in this scripture. Therefore you are twisting it to fit your own agenda.

There is no difference if you see your brother in need of help and you give him the means to kill himself. If your brother is an addict and you help him to support his habit and eventually kill himself then you are partly responsible. You caused him to kill himself.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 09:41 pm
I don't disagree with your point mindonfire. What I disagree with is the scripture you are using to try to support your agrument. It doesn't work because it was a case of murder plain and simple. Cain didn't help Abel to kill himself. Cain killed Abel. It doesn't get much plainer than that. However, there are other scriptures that would suit your purpose here a bit better. Here's one:

Romans 12:17-19
17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 11:53 pm
Mindonfire wrote:
hephzibah wrote:

Cain feigned ignorance to KILLING his brother. There is a difference between killing your brother and handing him the tool to KILL HIMSELF. Abel did not kill himself. Abel had no say in the matter what so ever. BIG difference. If you hand someone the tool to kill themself it is still THEIR decision whether or not they end their life. Which was NOT the case in this scripture. Therefore you are twisting it to fit your own agenda.

There is no difference if you see your brother in need of help and you give him the means to kill himself. If your brother is an addict and you help him to support his habit and eventually kill himself then you are partly responsible. You caused him to kill himself.[/u][/i]
emphasis mine

An absurd statement.

Since he was in need, you also gave him the means to HELP himself. It was his decision and action that made the difference.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 08:42 am
No, you gave him the means to continue his addiction and kill himself. If you know that an individual is in the control of a powerful substance then you don't give him the means to obtain that substance. That is irresponsible and you are partly to blame for their death. That is like allowing a known pedophile to baby-sit your children. You can't place all the blame on the pedophile. They are sick and you knew it, but yet ignored it. So you caused them to fall and will be held accountable.
0 Replies
material girl
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 08:44 am
Mindonfire wrote:
material girl wrote:
so in theory,I could have read that, realised you are against me, harmed myself and youd be responsible for it?!

That theory doesnt work. It's not the same thing.

How come?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 08:51 am
material girl wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
material girl wrote:
so in theory,I could have read that, realised you are against me, harmed myself and youd be responsible for it?!

That theory doesnt work. It's not the same thing.

How come?

You are not addicted to us or under our control.
0 Replies
material girl
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 08:52 am
Mindonfire wrote:
material girl wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
material girl wrote:
so in theory,I could have read that, realised you are against me, harmed myself and youd be responsible for it?!

That theory doesnt work. It's not the same thing.

How come?

You are not addicted to us or under our control.

I might be.I may be as emotionally unstable as a drug taker.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 11:57 am
Mindonfire wrote:
real life wrote:
Mindonfire wrote:
hephzibah wrote:

Cain feigned ignorance to KILLING his brother. There is a difference between killing your brother and handing him the tool to KILL HIMSELF. Abel did not kill himself. Abel had no say in the matter what so ever. BIG difference. If you hand someone the tool to kill themself it is still THEIR decision whether or not they end their life. Which was NOT the case in this scripture. Therefore you are twisting it to fit your own agenda.

There is no difference if you see your brother in need of help and you give him the means to kill himself. If your brother is an addict and you help him to support his habit and eventually kill himself then you are partly responsible. You caused him to kill himself.[/u][/i]
emphasis mine

An absurd statement.

Since he was in need, you also gave him the means to HELP himself. It was his decision and action that made the difference.

No, you gave him the means to continue his addiction and kill himself. If you know that an individual is in the control of a powerful substance then you don't give him the means to obtain that substance. That is irresponsible and you are partly to blame for their death. That is like allowing a known pedophile to baby-sit your children. You can't place all the blame on the pedophile. They are sick and you knew it, but yet ignored it. So you caused them to fall and will be held accountable.

What you say could only be true if the individual lost ALL free will.

Since there are many individuals who, even when under the power of a strong addiction, do choose to break that addiction and go free; then we see that they have NOT lost free will.

You cannot CAUSE another person to sin. Each of us chooses to do what we do.

If what you are saying were true, then the person who actually does the deed would NOT be accountable because he was CAUSED to do it by someone else.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 12:13 pm
real life wrote:

What you say could only be true if the individual lost ALL free will.

Since there are many individuals who, even when under the power of a strong addiction, do choose to break that addiction and go free; then we see that they have NOT lost free will.

You cannot CAUSE another person to sin. Each of us chooses to do what we do.

If what you are saying were true, then the person who actually does the deed would NOT be accountable because he was CAUSED to do it by someone else.

No one is arguing that you can't choose to do what you want to do. But to know that an individual has a weakness for a certain thing and then to give that individual the means to possess that thing is immoral. And the individual who does this is partly responsible for the outcome. It has very little to do with free will. It has everything to do with One's decisions and actions
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