oralloy wrote:I don't think a large (for its time) warplane would count as clandestine.
I guess that depends on your perspective. At the time of the attack, it was unknown that a nuclear bomb existed. The Manhattan Project had been kept secret. Nobody could have anticipated what the bomber was carrying, or that a single airplane could pose a danger for a city the size of Hiroshima anyway. Eyewitnesses which had seen the plane later mentioned that they had assumed it was a reconnaissance aircraft. The United States had not warned Japan about the attack, and the population was completely unaware of the risk of an attack (unlike in Dresden, for example).
Saying the warplane was not clandestine would almost amount to saying that a suicide bomber on a bus doesn't count as clandestine, because, after all, people would have seen him board the bus and could therefore anticipate an attack.
Only the circumstance that the attack occured while the USA was officially at war with Japan makes it a war crime rather than a terrorist attack.
oralloy wrote:Also, I don't think the definition was thinking of "attacks on soldiers and arms factories" when it talked of victims.
That would be an interesting question. In that case, the attack on the USS Cole would obviously not count as a terrorist attack, but rather as a military operation.
However, the difference is of course, as you already mentioned, that striking military facilities was in no way the prime target of the attacks. The primary target was terrorizing Japan into an
unconditional surrender, and the USA willingly accepted that a far greater number of civilians than of military personnel would be killed in the attack. The point about the unconditional surrender is important, as diplomatic approaches at that time had shown that Japan would have been willing to discuss a surrender, but on the condition of the retention of the institution of the emperor.
It can therefore be said that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki served exclusively political reasons.
Ironically, the US later agreed that Japan could retain the monarchy.
oralloy wrote:Yes. Indiscriminate bombing in a population center is a war crime.
We are in agreement there.