Adds, Smiths here in town has a - to me - excellent New Mexico/Mexican food section, and there is a jar of roasted red peppers I quite like -
First of all, it's 16 oz for something like 3.69 or 3.99, which wouldn't matter if I didn't like it -- but makes it within my buying criteria.
It's Roasted Red Pepper all purpose sauce by what company, have to figure it out. Ah, in tiny print at the back of the label, the company is Santa Fe Ole'.
It involves red bell peppers, water, sherry wine, red wine vinegar, onion, garlic, spices. It keeps well in the refrigerator, and I add it to lots of things. As the label says, it has no sugar, salt, or oil. The red peppers are chopped not quite to a mince, but something like 1/8" to 3/16" each bit.