Frank Apisa wrote:ubermensch wrote:So you're just gonna wait until you die to make up your mind Frank?
What the theists and atheists are NOT "making up their minds", Uber.
They are making guesses about the unknown rather than simply acknowledging that they do not know.
At least, that is my guess.
The idea that a blind guess...based on damn near "making up one's mind" is a riot.

I think that there is a difference between a wild guess and a sense of certainty based on educated observations and conclusions.
Let's admit that we can't be certain that death is the end of our cosmical journey.
But we can certainly imagine a number of logical characteristics of this afterlife if it indeed was a reality.
For example:
1. It would have to be an universal phenomenon. Which means that all of us would "go" to pretty much the same place; all the billions of billions who have ever lived and who ever will.
2. Biologically speaking; there isn't any difference between mankind and the animal kingdom. At the molecular level, atom by atom we are no different from the plants either; so all of us living organisms would go to this afterlife; men, animals and plants.
3. It might be argued that man; even though is similar to the rest of the world organisms is really "different" since we are able to think. So let's stop for a second and admit that within the tissue of our brains there lies some kind of dormant force or "energy" which is what really would survive our physical death.
4. Let's add to this cosmic rendez-vous then the millions of "hommo-something" whose brains were in fact able to build some kind of thought process; including a few million neanderthals.
5. Somehow we tend to think of this afterlife as the culmination a life well lived here on earth; "a next step" let's call it. However millions of us would reach this after life at very different stages of our existence which includes millions of very old, tired and sick people, millions of little children and babies and millions of unborn embryos which resulted since prehistoric times from miscarriages and abortions. What will become of them in the afterlife? who will take care of them when they're certainly inferior compared to the rest of us who will have some kind of experience or points of reference to "adjust" to our new dwellings?
I'll stop here for now since the thought of nurseries, incubators and senior citizen homes in the afterlife is begining to sound so prosaic and cartoon-like I can't hardly continue typing.
Of course; it could be argued that in the afterlife we are given a new "slate" and that everyone starts fresh at the same level; all "speaking" english and stuff but then we would have to start dealing with how this knowledge was obtained and "who" is it that would provide this and why doesn't "he" just does that here and now to stop all the madness and the "horseshyt".