I wore my little black straw bowler to and from work today - a couple of the younger fellas at work referred to my ensemble as 'workin' my look'. Apparently, i can work a look. (i hope that's a good thing)
oh yeah..its a good thing <specially when the young ones are saying it>
grand for you!!
I've got about 100+ hats - (ballcap style) my most favorite is you guessed it a red felt Husker hat!!!
closest I could find
Hats, oh hats, I do love hats.
Except I don't wear them all that much. Just when the mood overwhelms. On a daily basis they aren't all that practical for my use, but I wear them willy nilly sometimes. For example, I have been wearing my a2k hat on weekend errands (nobody has asked yet...about the site name).
I have a collection, some of them lined up on one wall, and a good part of that collection started when I went crazy about thrift stores for the second time. I did that once when I was young and thought it was fun, and now, years later, when I think it is fun and financially smart.
So I have a wide brimmed black veloury felt hat with burgundy ribbon and wee black veil by Linda Madden, Corona, California, on the tag; a mauve felt hat by her too, with good ribbon and fancy fake flowers. A serious wide brimmed very thick purple felt hat in something of a spanish female bullfighter's style (see manet painting...) from a NY firm, Kokin. A guy's tan suede cowboy hat that fits just right, perhaps for pinheaded guys (Winfield Cover Company, San Francisco - $5.00), and a couple of recent vintage felt fedora-like hats from Nordstrom's via a friend giving them away. Have a few knit hats for that so- desirable hathair look that adds anxiety to winter days and nights.
My favorites are probably the wool berets in different colors. I have some from the beach stands in Venice, CA in a bunch of colors ($7./ea.) and a couple of italian ones from a travel store. Monica put a bit of a damper on beret wearing for grown women, but phooey on that, I still love them.
I look dorky or worse in baseball caps, and thus only have my a2k one of those plus my good old Venice, CA one.
But this conversation brings up scarves. Anybody like scarves????????
uh oh
i love scarves too
well, generally i love accessories - not cutesy little pins so much, though i have a whole collection of bug pins that i sometimes pin up and across the shoulder of a jacket - but i like scarves and hats and gloves and ...
i can tell you that the phrase 'you're such a girl' has been heard more than one in reference to me.
that and the word 'cute'
Work it!
I love scarves!!!!!!!!!! I have been collecting vintage silk scarves forever. I have a box full of the ones I could bear to see torn that the sozlet loves to play with. She makes elaborate ensembles (skirt, cape, hat), and "decorates" ("Trading Spaces" and "While You Were Out" are about the only "adult" shows that I watch with her, and she's big on decorating), by draping them everywhere.
What I really really love about silk scarves is how they hold their color -- you get one from the 30's and it's exactly the color it was then. So many other vintage items fade.
I have a bunch of favorites. One hanging on the wall in the sozlet's room is a 1940's or so butterfly motif, fine black outlines, bright grass green border, probably 12 or so colors total. Gorgeous. I have one with antique cars, and lots of perfectly lovely patterns that are hard to describe.
However, I don't wear them much any more. I make things out of them -- skirts, blouses, whatnot -- but I don't wear them as scarves. I used to, especially tied around the hips, diagonally over a skirt. In my gypsy phase. (Long dangly earrings, scarves, hair down, lots of black and red.)
I do wear some of the smaller cotton ones in my hair now and then. Very occasionally around my neck. I have an oblong silk scarf in shades of seafoam/sky blue and cream from probably the early fifties which perfectly matches a silk shell I have, and I wear those together now and then.
My wife has a perfect "hat"face, she looks really good wearing a aht!
me... I like wearing a hat, ...
go figure
I had a big scarf phase myself..scarves are a nifty item and you're right soz..they hold their color for ages.
The only ones I cant seem to give up are the ones I put over my long overcoat in winter. Lovely Russian scarves that just make my plain black wool coat so much more interesting in those bleak days.
I have a collection of scarves & hats which I add to every year. My favorite scarf is long and narrow with silk on one side and velvet on the other, both sides are dark turquoise and there's a 6" fringe. I love that scarf!
This winter I bought a dark brown sheepskin hat with a turned up fur brim all the way around. It is just great for the cold, rainy weather we had. Because it looked very Russian and had a "presence" I named her Ludmilla. I found mittens to go with Ludmilla (as long as we're talking accessories) that are smooth dark brown leather with a rabbit fur cuff, but instead of being a mitten inside, there are cashmere gloves. Sort of impractical and nearly too warm, I still like 'em a lot.
Ahh hats.There was a time on a digression thread where I got everyone onto The Fez.I still don´t have one.
My newsboy number really does need a good clean and my corduroy pork pie with woolen lining is too warm in this weather.
Am considering buying a straw boater.
I remember that nonexistent fez.

A straw boater?
Indeedy,but the monacle won´t be necessary.I can see the croquet lawn quite clearly my dear.
when I go to, for example, Lake Tahoe in wintertime, I love wearing one of the very furry (not real animal fur, of course) big Russian-style hats - very flattering and very warm
when I go to the beach, generally a straw hat with a large brim is a necessity for sunbathing
when I have a bad hair day, my little black hats; you know, the ones that cover your hair and frame your face in a most flattering manner?, they really do the job
other than that, I generally remain hat-free
I wear baseball caps because I have skin cancer, but I don't like them.
no, EB, say it's just your avatar that has the skin cancer; if it's the real you, I need to do something, but first confirm which of you has the cancer, PLEASE
Aw, sweet, I'm going to be alright. Thanks for your concern. You wouldn't believe how great I feel.
If I were to go out in the streets without my I wouldn't feel completly dressed. I even wear Stetson straws in the summer. Although, if I happen to go out super casual, will wear a cap. That's my St. Louis upbringing. I notice in New York, I stand out, and that's fine with me.
I have a bunch of baseball caps, my favorite headgear. I normally do not wear a hat when I'm at home, except when I work out in the yard. I take a hat with me on my travels when I expect to be outdoors for long periods of time. I took one baseball cap I bought at the Serengeti resort hotel on my trip to Peru and Ecuador, and came home with three hats. One baseball cap from Charles Darwin's Research Center, and a full brimmed hat from the Galapagos. I must have about two dozen or so. c.i.
I finally found a fez for sale at an "antique" market a week or so ago.
I went and bought it.
I now have a fez I can call my own.
I´m going to wear it while I work.
I´m happy with my fez.