material girl wrote:Lightwizard wrote:"The Sheltering Sky" also became tedious with Bertolucci constantly dwelling on "Lawrence of Arabia" desert shots a bit too long, lackluster dialogue (the book is mostly narrative) and Debra Winger was simply miscast -- in places she got dangerously close to being just plain silly.`
I saw about 5 minutes of that and its name has been in my head to watch at some point in the future.I may miss it out now you have said its boring.
I think you have to be in the right mood to see certain films.If yuor in an upbeat mood that last thing youd want to sit through is the English Patient.
I'm exactly the opposite -- I can't sit though an introspective, profoundly sad and tragic film without being in a good mood, or at least somewhere in the middle between sad and happy, but never if I have the blues over some real-life incident or situation.
What movies did Kristen Scott Thomas look different than Kristen Scott Thomas? She won the Oscar for "The English Patient" but, to tell you the truth, I have lost her in my memory in any other comparable role.