Chapter five
Without even waiting for an answer the crowd was already surging back out through the garden gate and begining to make their way towards the waiting troops.
Heart's racing, they shouted and chanted loudly, "where are these soldiers? Let them come and have a go [if they think they are hard enough!]".
Meanwhile the soldiers heard a terrible crashing beyond the crowd signifying the arrival of the extra troops who had arrived in order to enforce another coup after the embarrassing moral capitulation of the planet's erstwhile leader.
The crowd now grew hotheaded and demanded action immediately which was impossible as all communications had gone down and stormtroopers were at the ready to suppress all signs of resistance from the locals who nevertheless were putting up a tremendously brave if futile battle when a new leader emerged from the crowd.
He was an energetic soul, waving his arms furiously in an attempt to tune his space-age watch into CNN and trying to attract the attention of the crowd.
He drew himself upto his full, grizzly bear height and thumped his chest, letting out a Tarzan-like roar, and felt great.
Everybody's attention was captured and they looked on in astonishment as he presented himself to them with a bow and a clenched fist touching the earth. With a great deal of cool bravado he turned towards the masses and started to sing, much to everybody's surprise and absolute enchantment. The song had a pied-piper like effect, quietening the crowd who meekly followed him away from the dangerous main road towards a...
Chapter five
Without even waiting for an answer the crowd was already surging back out through the garden gate and begining to make their way towards the waiting troops.
Heart's racing, they shouted and chanted loudly, "where are these soldiers? Let them come and have a go [if they think they are hard enough!]".
Meanwhile the soldiers heard a terrible crashing beyond the crowd signifying the arrival of the extra troops who had arrived in order to enforce another coup after the embarrassing moral capitulation of the planet's erstwhile leader.
The crowd now grew hotheaded and demanded action immediately which was impossible as all communications had gone down and stormtroopers were at the ready to suppress all signs of resistance from the locals who nevertheless were putting up a tremendously brave if futile battle when a new leader emerged from the crowd.
He was an energetic soul, waving his arms furiously in an attempt to tune his space-age watch into CNN and trying to attract the attention of the crowd.
He drew himself upto his full, grizzly bear height and thumped his chest, letting out a Tarzan-like roar, and felt great.
Everybody's attention was captured and they looked on in astonishment as he presented himself to them with a bow and a clenched fist touching the earth. With a great deal of cool bravado he turned towards the masses and started to sing, much to everybody's surprise and absolute enchantment. The song had a pied-piper like effect, quietening the crowd who meekly followed him away from the dangerous main road towards a flat piece of ground shielded from the soldier's gaze, they were hidden by a mountain of municipal solid waste, old council records and piles of offal [Boy, things had really gone to pot in the ten minutes since the coup started!].
Chapter Six
Safety was here beyond the pale blue sky overhead from which Vleg was looking down her spaceship telescope and remarking to her Captain "Who is that bloke singing to the crowd behind the rubbish dump? He looks like abit of allright..."