Chapter four
The wise women settled down to tell their tale:
"To suck peach pits from the forbidden overripe peaches of Vleg's home planet had been her only ambition as a child, but now amongst the weak wills of the universe Vleg began to increase her strength as she fed off their weaknesses, she cried and spluttered as she experienced dreams of world domination, and once that idea was implanted then, yes, she began to look for ways to kill the poor as a way of annihilating poverty, which was fine except for one thing which was that the poor downtrodden peoples of the universe began to fight back and made surprising progress just by throwing bricks at passing spaceships and loose change at Vleg herself who was allergic to bee stings and found herself swelling to a size twice as large as her delicate, green frame would normally allow.
Vleg would glow like a lantern if touched with bare hands. This tactic worked fine as it illuminated her spaceship and provided a target for the peasants, that was until some unscrupulous blackgaurd - an agent working on Vleg's side who had infiltrated the peasant government - posing as a touchy feely individual, spoiled it all by foul means when he made glove wearing compulsory...