Chapter Two
For once the Knights Of Jedda who wore the long white robes of the Priestesses' of Ancient Eygpt were ready to...just then something that made a great grinding noise captured their attention. There, in the corner was a strange object being bathed in light Italian Olive Oil which rendered it invisible!
Nevertheless they had known it was lurking there because of its distinctive odour and its strange habit of shaking the blanket that covered it every five seconds or so.
The Knights were trying to control the situation by injecting cold humourless humour directly into the atmosphere above the object that this is all about, namely the dangerous Vleg, that inhuman creature that once controlled half of the universe and who is now merely an odorous mass in the minds of all those who profess to love mankind because she had tried so hard to destroy the world.
So how had Vleg, that evil would-be destroyer, got hold of this strange machine, they asked themselves, scrathing their heads in bewilderment. Clearly action was needed as Vleg turned around and quickly took a bite out of a knight's throat. With blood gushing from his wound the knight tried to signal to the other knight's that he was mortally wounded. Stifling a death rattle he nevertheless dropped to the floor, his life-force spent.
At that the whole room seemed to become a mob intent on lynching Vleg - who tried to escape - but this was hardly possible as the sound of the bloodcurdling clamour for Vleg's green blood could be heard on Jupiter!
Vleg unexpectedly began whirling around and around, and soon she was spinning so fast that her eight legs were whirling around like helicopter blades and even passersby outside the house ducked because the noise of Vleg's interstellar overdrive kicking in sounded like a jumbo jet landing and then, when Vleg's extremities began to rise into the air, they tried to hold her down but it was like trying to contain a whirling dervish and soon her strength lifted her high into those regoins where ceiling fans whirred, chopping the warm air with mean sounding "Whoofs" and catching Vleg's hair, the one strand that flew near...
no consequence whatsoever.
Chapter Two
For once the Knights Of Jedda who wore the long white robes of the Priestesses' of Ancient Eygpt were ready to...just then something that made a great grinding noise captured their attention. There, in the corner was a strange object being bathed in light Italian Olive Oil which rendered it invisible!
Nevertheless they had known it was lurking there because of its distinctive odour and its strange habit of shaking the blanket that covered it every five seconds or so.
The Knights were trying to control the situation by injecting cold humourless humour directly into the atmosphere above the object that this is all about, namely the dangerous Vleg, that inhuman creature that once controlled half of the universe and who is now merely an odorous mass in the minds of all those who profess to love mankind because she had tried so hard to destroy the world.
So how had Vleg, that evil would-be destroyer, got hold of this strange machine, they asked themselves, scrathing their heads in bewilderment. Clearly action was needed as Vleg turned around and quickly took a bite out of a knight's throat. With blood gushing from his wound the knight tried to signal to the other knight's that he was mortally wounded. Stifling a death rattle he nevertheless dropped to the floor, his life-force spent.
At that the whole room seemed to become a mob intent on lynching Vleg - who tried to escape - but this was hardly possible as the sound of the bloodcurdling clamour for Vleg's green blood could be heard on Jupiter!
Vleg unexpectedly began whirling around and around, and soon she was spinning so fast that her eight legs were whirling around like helicopter blades and even passersby outside the house ducked because the noise of Vleg's interstellar overdrive kicking in sounded like a jumbo jet landing and then, when Vleg's extremities began to rise into the air, they tried to hold her down but it was like trying to contain a whirling dervish and soon her strength lifted her high into those regoins where ceiling fans whirred, chopping the warm air with mean sounding "Whoofs" and catching Vleg's hair, the one strand that flew nearest gettimg entangled in the fan blades and throwing her to the ceiling with such force that she went through the roof, literally, leaving behind a trail of plaster and shocked faces...
dark but when morning came they....
whiteviolet wrote:dark but when morning came they....
loved your entry Whiteviolet but we are only allowed 3 words each so I think that Tino has continued from your third word onwards...
light streaming through