real life wrote:We know very little of what consciousness is, and how it occurs, as stories like this illustrate.
Materialists have no real explanation for consciousness on a chemical basis alone.
Neoroscience is in its infancy, yes. However, the cases you cite indicate broad public misunderstanding of what science does know. In neither case was the patient diagnosed as being in a Persistant Vegetative State - they were in coma ... big difference. Coma victims not uncommonly recover, sometimes after many years or even decades, however, PVS victims - those who's brain function is confined to the brain stem with no higher-order activity, do not recover. Among the advances of science in this area is, through various imaging and monitoring techniques, is increased precision in the matter of determining the amount and nature of brain function and activity in unresponsive patients.
Quote:A growing modern tendency is to write off folks like these as those who will never regain cognition, pull the plug and harvest their organs.
Hysterical, hyperbolic, totally baseless, sensationalist, agenda-driven, ignorant bullshit.