Thu 13 Jul, 2006 01:49 pm
Hi ehBeth
thank you for the reference to your thread "50 years and 1 day ago".
It really was a wonderful present for your parents' golden anniversary. It would have been funny, if I had found myself on the wedding-photo, as I joined the party (or was it the farewell-party?? I don't remember exactly, too long ago!!)
So sorry, I didn't know anything of a2k and its possibilities before. Now I am a newcomer and have to learn how to use this thread.
Greetings across the ocean! Seev.
Seevetaler - it's great to see you made your way back here again. I hope you join some of the other discussions along with hamburger. You've got a lot of interesting things to offer.
After I saw your note on hamburger's thread, I went upstairs at my house and pulled out a book about Hamburg that your family sent to me in October 1973! I smiled a lot, re-reading the note that came with the book, and looking at the photos.
Hello, ehBeth
I have to learn a lot before being able to install a thread like hbg's.
But who knows? Perhaps one day . . .
