Thu 6 Jul, 2006 09:30 pm
Leaving tomorrow for Dominica. Back on the 15th.
I'm meeting good friends from Nashville there. We'll be staying at the same hotel where the cast & crew of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3 stayed. (They just finished shooting there a few weeks ago.) should be nice!
I'll probably start having A2K withdrawal pains around Monday or so.
Have a good, fun, and safe trip, Eva.
Have a great trip, Eva! Relax, hang out at the pool and drink lots
of Pina Coladas. Enjoy!
We'll miss you. Have a wonderful time! and have a pina colada for me...
Aww...what fun! Becareful....!!!!!
Have a pina colada for me!
Hold your dominion.
Have a great holiday, Eva!
Thanks, everyone!
Lessee, that's several extra pina coladas for all of you...I can do that!
Noddy, not to worry. This trip is ALL about dominion holding.
Gotta go finish packing...
I'm back!
Had a great trip. And you'll never believe this, but not only did I have several pina coladas for all of you, but I even had one at the place that INVENTED the pina colada in San Juan, Puerto Rico! Mmmmm.......
Had another from a street vendor.
Yeah...buying pina coladas from a pushcart on the street. In the rain, even. Sounds like a bad '80s song, I know, but it was wonderful.
Pina colada invented in Dominca ... phew. And afterwards you are going to tell us that an Indian tribe which gave the Karibean Sea it's name lives there well ...
Wellcome back, Eva!
From the '80's and beyond, you've thrived on atmosphere.
Welcome home.
Hi sweetie, I didn't even know you'd gone and here you're back already! So glad you had a wonderful time. If you're able to get back to ABQ next May, we can all indulge in some mmmmmMargaritas.
I would rather be thrown of a cliff than drink a pina colada, but I am certainly glad to see that Eva had a good time.
Anyone who lives in Kansas deserves such an outing.
tstststs, she lives in Oklahoma, not Kansas!
We missed you Eva, but I am glad you had such a good time.
Any pictures to share?
Let me explain the difference between Oklahoma and Kansas.
When the settlers back East headed out to the West, the ones that could read the maps made it to Kansas, the others ended up in Oklahoma.
You can tell you are in Oklahoma because you can smell the horse manure, if you stepping ankle deep in horse manure, you are in Texas.
Well, Walter...I actually did visit a couple of the last existing Carib villages. They do wonderful basketweaving there, using native grasses. They bury the grasses for varying lengths of time, and it causes the grass to change different colors depending on how long it has been buried. Very intricate weaving. Third world conditions.
Pictures...yes. I haven't downloaded them yet, but will certainly share as soon as I can. It was a remarkable place.
Joe is right about being able to smell the Texas sh!t from here. But the real reason settlers came to Oklahoma wasn't because they couldn't was because they wanted free land. At least, that's why my great-grandparents did. Then more came because of oil. (No sh!t.)
Diane, I would love to share margaritas with you guys...anytime! Any chance you guys might make a trip this direction? I have the glasses and salt here already.
Noddy24 wrote:Eva--
From the '80's and beyond, you've thrived on atmosphere.
Welcome home.
You're right, Noddy. I do.
(I am so transparent.

Welcome home, La Principessa...