Quote:I have finished doing the research. His last name was "Smith".
Yea..uhh huh Nick...lol, that would probably
be easier than trying to find this needle in a haystack!
Quote:If his bible was Lithuanean, the reasonable inferrence is that he came from the Baltic. Surnames got terribly mangled by immigration officials, so most of the varients you've mentioned probably don't mean too much. The name inscribed in the bible is probably close.
So, center your search on the Baltic and run close varients on the inscribed name. Keep us informed of your progress.
Thanks Asherman...I will try that also...
Its sad how mangled surnames were after their arrival. The other sad part to this story is he was sopposedly a stowaway, so if thats story is true, it doesn't leave me much hope for finding his port of entrance.
The other little tid-bit I have left out here...is the story goes that he arrived here in the states and went to Chicago w/ his siblings. He was sopposed to have had ties with the Mob, got into some kinda of trouble and landed in Arkansas.
The things I have figured out:
His arrival was written as 1901 in a ...1920 Census( I know..doesn't mean much) , also they told this he was naturalized in 1916. (Which really doesn't mean much..lol)
I can't find him listed on any 1910 Census?
And I can't find him listed on any 1930 Census?
Now..if he arrived in 1901, he wouldn't have been on the Census taken in 1900, so his whereabouts in that 9 year time span has eluded me. I know that my Grandfather was born August 6, 1910...soooooooo he had to have been around in late 1909..for that birth to have taken place..lol My Grandfather was the oldest, and there were other children born in 1913,1914, 1917,and 1918...afterwards.
After the 1920 Census, he disapeared again. But..come to think about it..I can't find my grandfather listed either, so I may have to go and look at that differently, and see if the stories hold true that he was known for leaving for long intervals....the family could have been living with someone else.
He died in 1936.