Asherman, I truly appreciate your thoughts on this subject.
I have been bored with my studies somewhat, and very impatient with the latin terms, even with it reigning in at an AACJ, its been very dominating with my time.
One discussion question alone can trigger 3-4 hours of study, just to answer it properly. Which I don't mind spending that time studying...I'm just trying to be realistic here...
Quote:you must memorize formulistic rules derived from those cases.
Already enduring alot of that....
Quote:The Law is a beautiful thing, the very foundation of our social order
Thats the part that I love about it. I even love the history behind it.........
The other part, that brought me to want to achieve this degree, is I see so many areas in our judicial system that need improved drastically, things I dislike wholeheartedly...and someone, somewhere needs to change these faulty areas.
There are to many loop holes in our criminal justice system that allow criminals to walk our streets with a slap on the wrist. I'm sick of that....
I'm sick of watching juveniles get off with writing a theme, to run home to momma; who writes it. Lets start fining these parents that have "repeat offenders" in the home, lets give them some community service right along side of the youth, they'd pull the reins in on these kids, instead of throwing their hands up and saying, "I can't do nothing with them."
We need more programs.........that rehabilitate, and teach youths socialization skills, and self-respect., I don't even need to get started on that topic, I'd be here all night.
I believe in a swift, harsh punishment, not riding the fence for years to come, due to one appeal after the other. And in the meantime, they've received and education, medication, shelter, therapy, clothing, they are fed...have vistiations, a library, recreation....all at my cost!
While we have homeless on our streets that have fought for this country...sitting hungry and cold.
Thats what drew me to going after a CJ Degree......wanting to see a change, improvements made........that lead to a difference somewhere in the future, and maybe in someone's life.
Unrealistic...maybe? I have held strong to those opinions for years....
Quote:I attended law school, and have an MBA with emphasis on Criminal Justice. I worked for a grant funded outfit designed to reduce gang membership and violence in one of L.A. County's warzones. I worked at the heart of the third largest police department in L.A. County designing police policies and systems. I know a bit about the Criminal Justice System. I generally advise against young people getting AAs or BAs in Criminal Justice. Careers are difficult for non-sworn personnel working within Police or Correction agencies. I went 12 years as a vital part of the system, but received no promotions. I got great fitness reports and more citations for excellence than I could afford to frame, but in the end the rank and pay always went to those who came up from field operations. If you want any sort of career related to law enforcement, you need to be ready to go out and work in Patrol Units for at least a few years. Most LASO officers have to work in the County Jail for several years before even going out on Patrol. Its the best job in the world, and I would have swapped my "professional status" and hob-nobbing with the chiefs to work permanent Grave Yard shift. I loved it, but most of the civilians didn't last very long and are never really accepted because they haven't any field time.
Very Impressive Asherman....Very!