Jehovah's Witnesses or not?

Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:12 pm
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:13 pm
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:13 pm
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:14 pm
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Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:14 pm
7. Does the Society deny the Biblical teaching that Jesus Christ is worthy of worship?

* 7A. Does the Society teach that Jesus rejects worship?

Yes. "Do not erroneously conclude that Christians are to worship Christ; that is not what he taught."

Watchtower, July 15, 1959, p.421
* 7B. Does the Bible reveal the worship of Christ as an appropriate and acceptable activity?

Yes. No one is rebuked for worshipping Christ in Scripture.

The Bible
* 7C. Does the Society attempt to cover up the worship of Christ in Scripture in order to deny this teaching?

Yes. The word proskuneo is translated as worship (when used with reference to Jehovah) 22 times in the Society's New World Translation. The same word when used with reference to Christ is translated "obedience," "reverence," and "homage." The Bible clearly teaches the worship of Jesus, but the Society in an effort to obscure this fact has avoided the ususal and normal translation of proskuneo.
* 7D. Has the Society ever contradicted its position by encouraging Jesus worship?

Yes. "Christ (is) to be worshipped as a glorious spirit, victorious over death on the torture stake."

Make Sure of All Things, p. 85

8. Is the name "Jehovah" actually the name of God?

* 8A. Does the Society believe that "Jehovah" is the name of God?

Yes. They have used it for more than 50 years and state categorically that it is "a translation of God's name, in Hebrew YHWH."

Make Sure of All Things, 1953, p.188
* 8B. God's name?

No. They hold that "there is no such name as Jehovah." The name of God as it appears in Scripture is without appropriate vowels so, "no Hebrew can pronounce it today."

Letter, Michael Esses
* 8C. Where did the mistranslation "Jehovah" come from?

"'Jehovah' is generally held to have been the invention of Pope Leo X's confessor, Peter Galatin."

The Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 88

"'Jehovah' is a mispronunciation... almost entirely disregarded by the Jews ... of the Hebrew 'YHWH' the... name of God... this pronunciation is grammatically impossible; it arose through pronouncing the vowels...of 'Adonay' (the Lord) ...with the consonants of ' YHWH. "

The Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 87
* 8D. Is there any basis for the Society using "Jehovah" as the name for God?

No. "The pronunciation Jehovah has no authority at all and appeared only in late medieval times; it is an attempt to vocalize the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) usinq the vowels written under it by the scribes, which vowels however were never intended to be combined with the four consonants of this word."

Grant and Rowley, Dictionary of the Bible, p. 334
* 8E. If "Jehovah" is incorrect and not the name of God, what is the correct name?

It is Yahweh. "That the pronunciation in ancient times was Yahweh is concluded from transcriptions in the early Christian fathers."

Grant and Rowley, Dictionary of the Bible, p. 334

9. Has the Society altered the Scriptures to suit its own particular needs?

* 9A. Where has the Society altered the text?

Take any Greek text or modern translation and compare it with the New World Translation (a Society publication) at:

John 1:1 (Note the added "a")

Colossians 1:15, 17 (Note the inserted "other")

Colossians 2:9 (Note the change from "deity" to "divine quality")

Titus 2:13 (Note the change from "God our Savior" to "God and our Savior")

Revelation 3:14 (Note how "of" is changed to "by")

These are just a few examples of the alterations.

The Bible
* 9B. To what can we attribute the mistranslations by the Society?

In court and under oath F. W. Franz, current president of the Society and one of the admitted translators of the New World Translation, lied about his ability to translate Scripture. He admitted he could not translate "a Bible verse." Lack of integrity and preparation, along with a marked theological bias has led to a number of outrageous errors in translation.

Walsh vs. Clyde, Scotland, Nov., 1954

10. Does the Society err in its teaching about the cross of Christ?

* 10A. According to the Society, how did Jesus die?

The Society claims that Jesus was impaled on an upright, single-pieced "torture stake."

Kingdom Interlinear, pp. 1,155, 1,156
* 10B. How does the Society support its claim that Jesus died on a "torture stake" instead of a "cross"?

The Society quotes 16th century writer Justus Lipsius in his De Cruce Liber Primus.

Kingdom Interlinear, p. 102 & 103
* 10C. What does Justus Lipsius say is the method of Christ's death?

While it is true the Lipsius pictures the death of a man on a tree, he points out rather emphatically and in considerable detail that this was not the way Jesus died. In fact, he even includes a picture of Christ's death on the cross a few pages later. Reading from his text we find: "In the Lord's cross there were four pieces of wood, the upright beam, the cross-bar, a tree trunk (piece of wood) placed below, and the title (inscription) placed above." The Society has completely misrepresented Lipsius' drawing and findings.

De Cruce Liber Primus, p. 19, 46, 47
* 1OD. Does the Bible teach that Jesus died on a cross?

Yes, without any doubt. Consult the Bible at John 20:25; 21:18, 19, Matt. 27:37, Mark 15:27, etc.

The Bible
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:15 pm
11. Has the Society ever altered its publications without notice to suit its changing prophecies?

* Yes. Quietly the Society shifts its position when an embarrassing prophecy is made and then remains unfulfilled. For example, a crucial change was made in the 1923 version of Studies in Scriptures in order to bring it into line with the Society's changing prophecies. The earlier version has:

"...the deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914 is manifest..."
* The 1923 version has:

"...must take place very soon after 1914 is manifest..."

Studies in Scriptures

12. Given the strange twists and contradictions of the Society over the years, is there any relationship between the Society and mental illness?

* Yes, unfortunately. Members of the Society, according to an Australian study are "three times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and nearly four times more likely from paranoid schizophrenia than the rest of the population at risk."

* Why? Either the Society "tends to attract an excess of pre-psychotic individuals who may then break down, or else being a Jehovah's Witness is itself a stress which may precipitate a psychosis. Possibly both of these factors may operate together."

John Spencer, The Mental Health of Jehovah's Witnesses

13. If Jehovah's Witnesses are not the truth, then what is?

* The truth is found in the Bible and not in the Watchtower Society (as has already been demonstrated.) Two steps must be taken:

* First, Jesus Christ must be given rightful Lordship in our life.

For instructions, CLICK HERE
* Second, the Society member must break his ties with the Watchtower Society, as has the author of this Exposé

Resignation Letter

*For purposes of clarification and brevity, the name, "Watchtower Society" has been shortened to "Society" throughout this outline.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:19 pm

The Current Teaching Of The Watchtower Society:
Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the Trinity. They believe God is almighty, Jesus is a mighty God, and the Holy Spirit is God's active force.

What the Bible Says about THE TRINITY The Doctrine of the Trinity is implied in the Old Testament (Genesis 1:26, ect.) and revealed in the New Testament (Matthew 3:16, 17, ect.). The Trinity of God (sometimes and more properly designated "Triunity" of God) means his tri-personality exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in three distinct persons in one God. Each is distinct in their personal characteristics, being clearly distinguished from the other, but equal in power, glory and being [ie, nature].

1. There Is Only One God:

The Lord our God is one Lord Deu 6:4
There is no other god with Me, ie, as far as there being a god, I am the only one in the heaven Deu 32:39
No God was formed before me or after me Isa 43:10
There is no other God Isa 44:6

2. Yet Each Is Called GOD:
Father Eph 4:6; Jhn 6:27
Son Hbr 1:8; Tts 2:13; Jhn 1:1; 20:28, 29; 1Jo 5:20
Holy Spirit Act 5:3, 4

3. Yet Each Is Described As CREATOR:
Father Isa 44:24
Son Jhn 1:1-3
Holy Spirit Job 33:4; 26:13

4. Yet Each Is Described As ETERNAL:
Father Psa 93:2
Son Mic 5:2; Hbr 1:8
Holy Spirit Hbr 9:14

5. Yet Each Is Described As INSPIRED:
Father 2Ti 3:16
Son 1Pe 1:10-11
Holy Spirit 2Pe 1:21

6. Yet Each Is Described As OMNIPRESENT:
Father Jer 23:24
Son Mat 28:20
Holy Spirit Psa 139:7-10

7. Yet Each Is Described As OMISCIENT:
Father Jer 17:10
Son Jhn 2:24
Holy Spirit 1Cr 2:10-12

8. Yet Each Is Described As OMNIPOTENT:
Father Mat 19:26
Son Hbr 1:3
Holy Spirit Rom 15:19

9. Yet Each Is Described As HOLY:
Father Hab 1:12
Son Act 3:14
Holy Spirit Jhn 14:26

10. Yet Each Is Described As RESURRECTED:
Father 1Th 1:10
Son Jhn 2:19-21
Holy Spirit Rom 8:11

11. Yet Each Is Described As TRUTH:
Father 1Th 1:9
Son Jhn 14:6
Holy Spirit Jhn 14:17

12. Yet Each Is Described As SANCTIFYING the Believer:
Father Jhn 10:29
Son Hbr 2:11
Holy Spirit 1Cr 6:11

13. Yet Each Is Described As PRESERVING the Believer to Salvation:
Father Jhn 10:29
Son Jhn 10:28
Holy Spirit Eph 4:30

14. Yet Each Is Described As Being An INDWELLING PRESENCE:
Father Eph 4:6; 2Cr 6:16; Jhn 14:23
Son Col 1:27; Jhn 14:20, 23
Holy Spirit 1Cr 6:19; Jhn 14:17

15. Yet Each Is Described As LEADING Believers:
Father Deu 32:12
Son 1Cr 10:1-4
Holy Spirit Isa 63:11-14

16. Yet Each DRAWS People To Themselves:
Father Jhn 6:44
Son 1Cr 12:3
Holy Spirit Jhn 12:32

17. The Bible Presents Jesus As "Jehovah" [Yahweh] Of The Old Testament:

A. In Reference To A Prepared Way
Yahweh Clear up the pathway of Yahweh Isa 40:3
Jesus Prepare ye the way of the Lord Mat 3:3

B. In Reference To Their Worship
Yahweh Every knee will bow (to Yahweh) Isa 45:23
Jesus At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow Phl 2:10

C. In Reference To Their Title
Yahweh I AM (ehyeh in Hebrew) is Yahweh Exd 3:14
Jesus I AM (ego-eimi in Greek) is Jesus Jhn 18:5, 8; 8:58

18. Who Is Coming? -- Who is "The First And The Last"?:
Jehovah is First and Last Isa 44:6
Jesus is coming and is Alpha and Omega Rev 22:12-16
Jehovah is coming and is Alpha and Omega (New World Translation) Rev 1:8

NOTE: It should be pointed out the Society is guilty of a serious act of reductionism in the way they represent the Trinity of God. Their logic goes something like this: they teach that the relationship between the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit should somehow be understood by man. Since the Trinity cannot be understood by man, then it cannot explain the relationship within the Godhead. Of course this is the point exactly: God's nature is past finding out; His ways are unsearchable; etc. The nature of God is beyond the full comprehension of man and that is why He is God! (See Romans 11:33-36)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:22 pm
My husbands mom was a JW....1 of the only 2 in town.

he said when people saw them together, no one would come to the door...

"oh jeez, it's clara and pearl...let's go to the back of the house for 5 minutes"
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:24 pm
Is the Jehovah's Witness religion Christian?

The answer to the question is, "No. It is not Christian." Like all non-Christian cults, the Jehovah's Witness organization distorts the essential doctrines of Christianity. It denies the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace. This alone makes it non-Christian. To support its erring doctrines, the Watchtower organization (which is the author and teacher of all official Jehovah's Witness theology), has even altered the Bible to make it agree with its changing and non-Christian teachings.
Typical with cults that use the Bible to support its position is a host of interpretive errors:

* Taking verses out of their immediate context.
* Refusing to read verses in the entire biblical context.
* Inserting their theological presuppositions into the text.
* Altering the Biblical text to suit their needs.
* Latching onto one verse to interpret a host of others.
* Changing the meanings of words.
* Proclaiming some passages to be figurative when they contradict their doctrines.
* Adding to the Word of God.

Additionally, the Jehovah's Witness organization requires of its members regular weekly attendance at their "Bible Study" meetings where they are repeatedly indoctrinated with anti-Christian teachings. This is done by reading the Watchtower magazine, following along with what it says, reading the questions it asks, and reciting the answers it gives. In other words, the Watchtower Organization carefully trains its members to let the Organization do their thinking for them. For confirmation of this, please read Does the Watchtower organization control the JW's thinking?
The Witnesses are told they will be persecuted when they go door to door teaching their doctrines. They are further told that this is simply the enemy fighting against God's organization because they are in "the truth." So, when someone disagrees with them, they are conditioned to reflect on what the Watchtower has told them. They then feel confirmed in being in God's true organization on earth (like all cults claim). They are strongly encouraged to have friends and acquaintances that are only JW's, thereby keeping outside examination to a minimum. They are told to shun those who leave their group, that way, there is no way to see why someone has left and no way to find out that they are in error from those who have found the truth in Christ. They are conditioned to shy away from any real biblically knowledgeable person. An example of this is frequently found on the Internet. I was once banned from a Jehovah's Witness chat room after I not only answered their objections to the Trinity and deity of Christ, but challenged them in return. Subsequently, my name was passed around to all other Jehovah's Witness rooms where I was banned from them as well. This is a frequent occurrence on the Internet where the Jehovah's Witnesses are alive and well. It is obvious that critical examination of their doctrines is not encouraged by the Watchtower Organization.
The Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves to be Christians because they believe they are serving the true and living God. Like many cults, they think they are the only true church on earth. Yet, they deny the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the personhood of the Holy Spirit, Jesus' physical resurrection, and salvation by grace through faith.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are discouraged from looking into Jehovah's Witness history or old Watchtower literature which is replete with contradictions, altered doctrines, and false prophecies. Instead, they are indoctrinated repeatedly against basic Christian doctrines (Trinity, deity of Christ, etc) and into the notion that they alone are the true servants of God and that all others are either in "Christendom" or simply unbelievers.
Primarily, the Jehovah's Witness organization is a mind control organization that uses its people to pass out literature and send in "donations" to the headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.

"Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible." The Watchtower, Oct. 1, 1967. p. 587.

The Watchtower organization of the Jehovah's Witnesses is a non-Christian organization that uses its people to promulgate false doctrines, sell a multitudinous amount of literature, and expand its grip into the lives of its members and their families.
It is a non-Christian cult.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:27 pm
Clara still bought x-mas trees cause the kids liked them.

When she saw her son (my husband) smoking a cig....she'd tell him "Smoking is as sinful as adultery"

he say "Mom, it ain't even close"
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:28 pm
The Jehovah's Witnesses and John 1:1

In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was a god." The New World Translation

This is one of the most common verses of contention between the Jehovah's Witnesses and Christians. Their false assumption is that Jesus is not God in flesh, but Michael the archangel who became a man. Therefore, since they deny that Jesus is divine, they have altered the Bible in John 1:1 so that Jesus is not divine in nature. The New World Translation has added the word "a" to the verse so it says, "...and the Word was a god." The correct translation for this verse is "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." This is how it is rendered in the NASB, NIV, KJV, NKJV, ASV, RSV, etc.
The New World translation is incorrect in its translation of this verse for several reasons. First of all, the Bible teaches a strict monotheism. To say that Jesus is "a god" is to suggest that there is another god besides YHWH, which is contrary to scripture (Isaiah 43:10; 44:6,8, etc.). Of course, the Jehovah's Witnesses will respond that Jesus is not the Almighty God, but a "lesser" kind of God. He is the "mighty God" as is referenced in Isaiah 9:6, "For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us, and the government will rest on His shoulders, and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." Therefore, they say that Jesus is the mighty god, but not the Almighty God.
The immediate problem with this explanation is that YHWH is also called the Mighty God in Jeremiah 21:18 and Isaiah 10:20. In all three verses, including Isaiah 9:6, the Hebrew word for "mighty" (gibbor) is used.

* Isaiah 10:20-21, "Now it will come about in that day that the remnant of Israel, and those of the house of Jacob who have escaped, will never again rely on the one who struck them, but will truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel. 21A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God."
* Jer. 32:18, "who showest lovingkindness to thousands, but repayest the iniquity of fathers into the bosom of their children after them, O great and mighty God. the LORD of hosts is His name."

We can see that the Jehovah's Witness explanation is not valid. Both the Son and God are called the Mighty God.
Furthermore, how many actual gods are there in scripture? The obvious answer is that there is only one God in existence. Though there are others who have been falsely called gods (1 Cor. 8:5-6) or even said to be "as God" like Moses (Ex. 4:16; 7:1), there is only one real God (Gal. 4:8-9; Isaiah 44:6,8). If Jesus is "a god" that was "with God" in the beginning, then is Jesus a true god or a false god?
But, the Jehovah's Witnesses often claim that Jesus is a god in the sense that Moses was called a god. But, Moses was not called a god. Rather, he would be "as God."

* "Moreover, he shall speak for you to the people; and it shall come about that he shall be as a mouth for you, and you shall be as God to him, (Exodus 4:16).
* "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'See, I make you as God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet,'" (Exodus 7:1).

Why was Moses going to "as God" to Pharaoh? Because Moses was given the authority and power to display powerful miracles that decimated much of Egypt. Was Moses really a god? Being "as God" in regards to power given to perform miracles over Egypt is not the same thing as being called "a god" that was in the beginning with God, (John 1:1).
John was a strict Jew, a monotheist. Does the Jehovah's Witness really think that John would be saying that there was another God besides Jehovah, even if it were Jesus? Being raised a good Jew, the apostle John would never believe that there was more than one God in existence. Yet, he compared the word with God, said the word was God, and that the word became flesh (John 1:1,14).
John 1:1 in a literal translation reads thus: "In beginning was the word, and the word was with the God, and God was the word." Notice that it says "God was the word." This is the actual word for word translation. It is not saying that "a god was the word." That wouldn't make sense. Let me break it down into three statements.

1. "In beginning was the word..."
(en arche en ho logos)
* A very simple statement that the Word was in the beginning.
2. "and the word was with the God..."
(kai ho logos en pros ton theon)
* This same Word was with God.
3. "and God was the word." -- Properly translated as "and the Word was God."
(kai theos en ho logos)
* This same Word was God.

Regarding statement 3 above, the correct English translation is "...and the Word was God," not "and God was the word." This is because if there is only one definite article ("ho"="the") in a clause where two nouns are in the nominative ("subject") form ("theos" and "logos"), then the noun with the definite article ("ho"="the") is the subject. In this case "ho logos" means that "the word" is the subject of the clause. Therefore, "...the Word was God" is the correct translation, not "God was the Word."1 But this does not negate the idea that John is speaking of only one God, not two, even though the Jehovah's Witnesses maintain that Jesus is "a god," or the "mighty god" as was addressed above.
Is there suddenly a new god in the text of John 1:1? It is the same God that is being spoken of in part 2 as in part 3. How do the Jehovah's Witnesses maintain that the word had somehow become a god in this context, since there is only one God mentioned? Remember, the Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Jesus was Michael the Archangel. Therefore, is there any place in the Bible where an angel is called "a god," besides Satan being called the god of this world in 2 Cor. 4:3-4?

John 20:28 - "Thomas answered and said to Him, 'My Lord and my God!'"

In the Greek in John 20:28 Thomas said to Jesus, "ho kurios mou, kai ho theos mou," "The Lord of me, and the God of me." If Jesus was not God, but "a" god, then shouldn't Jesus have corrected Thomas? Shouldn't Jesus have said, "No Thomas, I am not the God. I am a god."? But Jesus did not. To do so would have been ludicrous. Nevertheless, the Jehovah's Witness will say that Thomas was so stunned by Jesus' appearance, that he swore. This is ridiculous because it means that Thomas, a devout man of God, swore in front of Jesus and used the Lord's name in vain in violation of Exodus 20:7. This is hardly the case since we find no New Testament equivalent of a disciple of Christ using God's name in vain.
In conclusion, John 1:1 is best translated without the "a" inserted into the text. "The Word was God" is the best translation. This way, we do not run into the danger of polytheism, with Jesus being "a god." We do not have Thomas the disciples swearing and using God's name in vain. And, we do not have the problem of Jesus being a "mighty god" and yet not the God -- even though God Himself is called the Mighty God (Jeremiah 21:18; Isaiah 10:20).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:30 pm
I asked my husband if his father had a religion...

he said "oh yeah...he belonged to the Lodge"
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:40 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Is the Jehovah's Witness religion Christian?

The answer to the question is, "No. It is not Christian." Like all non-Christian cults, the Jehovah's Witness organization distorts the essential doctrines of Christianity........... It is a non-Christian cult.

Is that somehow worse than a Christian cult....or for that matter, any religious group? The same basic principles apply to them all....ever heard of a Catholic hoping their kids would marry a Muslim or a Jew?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:43 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
I asked my husband if his father had a religion...

he said "oh yeah...he belonged to the Lodge"

The Masonic Lodge is indeed a religion Chai Tea...as I found out when they tried to recruit me until they realised I was an atheist. You worship the Great Architect apparently.
0 Replies
Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:47 pm
I myself am a member of the Church of Existential Machinism. We worship the Master Cog.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:53 pm
Eorl wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
I asked my husband if his father had a religion...

he said "oh yeah...he belonged to the Lodge"

The Masonic Lodge is indeed a religion Chai Tea...as I found out when they tried to recruit me until they realised I was an atheist. You worship the Great Architect apparently.

Wasn't masonic....elks or beavers or sumpin'

he went there to get away from clara and have a snort.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 07:54 pm
Merry Andrew wrote:
I myself am a member of the Church of Existential Machinism. We worship the Master Cog.

Remember "Master Cylinder" on Felix the cat?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 08:26 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
I asked my husband if his father had a religion...

he said "oh yeah...he belonged to the Lodge"

The Masonic Lodge is indeed a religion Chai Tea...as I found out when they tried to recruit me until they realised I was an atheist. You worship the Great Architect apparently.

Wasn't masonic....elks or beavers or sumpin'

he went there to get away from clara and have a snort.

ah right !

Yeah, I wondered about that which is why I got specific. Actually, I could use a lodge like that myself !!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 08:28 pm
well, he like clara well enough I suppose...they did have 11 kids.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 08:32 pm
...which may indeed justify his need for a few quiet moments to himself Smile
0 Replies

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