The word is breakfast. You cannot reasonably expect us to tell you what the differences are because you cannot assume that we know what people in the East eat for breakfast.
The West is quite a large place, and there are many different types of food which people in the West might like to eat for breakfast. In the United States, you might find people eating a "light" breakfast, meaning there is not very much food, and none of the food is heavy. Such a breakfast might be a croissant (a type of light french pastry which is a lot like bread) and some fruit juice or coffee or tea. Someone might also eat a bagel (which is bread dough which is boiled, and then baked) with some juice or coffee or tea.
Some people, especially those who do hard physical work, like to eat a bigger breakfast, which often includes heavier food. Such a meal might include fried pork in various forms, such as sausage or bacon or pork chops, with fried potatoes, toasted bread, and juice or coffee. There is also a type of food which is common in the United States but which i don't believe is found anywhere else. That is a biscuit. In other English-speaking countries, a biscuit means what Americans call a cookie, and is a sweet, baked dough. In the United States, though, a biscuit means a combination of flour (from wheat) with vegetable shortening and baking soda. This is similar to bread, but is heavier, and contains a good deal more fat from the shortening. Also, bread rises because it contains yeast, while biscuits rise because of the baking soda. Many Americans like to have biscuits with their breakfast, and they may eat them with butter and jam, or they may split them in half, and put them on a plate, and then pour gravy over them. The gravy is usually made by adding milk and water and flour to the pan in which the pork has been fried. The liquid and the flour is stirred together with the fat from the pork, and that makes gravy. Biscuits and gravy is popular in rural areas, among people who are farmers, or who live in farming areas, and it is very popular in the southern part of the United States.
This should give you an idea of what a biscuit of the type i have described looks like. It will usually be about six to eight centimeteres in diameter.