satt_fs :
yes , the ms. rotterdam followed the course of the "beagle" in reverse .
the "beagle" progressed in a somewhat more leisurely fashion , and , being a
much smaller ship , could enter into many of the small inlets .
the ms. rotterdam - coming from puerto montt -entered the straits of magellan
(estrecho de magallanes) at "desolation island" and sailed towards "punta
arenas" .
the ship then moved back out to the south-atlantic , entered the "beagle
channel' and entered the port of "ushuaia/argentina" .
from "ushuaia" the rotterdam sailed again back out to the south-atlantic ,
cruised "cape horn" (cabo de hornos) and sailed on to the falkland islands .
btw many hardy sailors 'round the horn in rather small sailboats , but that's
not quite our style (

) . we do like the ocean , but also enjoy a fine
dinner in the evening - and perhaps some nice entertainment thereafter before
settling down in our cabin .
we usually take an inside cabin on the promanade deck , it allows us to be out
on deck quickly , so we won't miss any of the sights .
while the cabins are rather small , about 180 square feet , it has everything
one needs :
two comfortable beds , a small sofa and an armchair , a small table , radio
and TV and a bathroom with shower .
there are plenty of wardrobes and drawers to store everything neatly - so
after a couple of days , it feels almost like a home .
while we prefer to have our meals in the dining-room , the cabin-steward is
also ready to serve "breakfast in bed" - or any other meal for that matter .
have you ever considered taking even a short cruise ?
we took our first cruise in 1986 - a seven-day alaska cruise - and while we
can't afford to cruise every year , we try to give ourselves a treat every few
years by going on a cruise .
one cruise i have "my eye" on (would really like to do it !) , is a 32-day
cruise from hongkong to taipei , shanghai , xingang , dalian , pusan ,
NAGASAKI (!) , OSAKA (!) , TOKYO (!) , HOKODATE (!) and on to the kuril
islands , alaska and ending in vancouver .
the cruise starts on april 19 in hongkong and ends in vancouver on may 20 .
have to save a lot of pennies :wink: :wink: :wink: before we can take that
cruise .
well , we can dream , can't we ?