Thu 15 May, 2003 11:59 am
This is my first attempt at poetry so please excuse any glaring technical errors but do let me know about them so I can learn. :wink:
An Ode to the Anus
Dull is the life of us quiet ones.
Nothing to chat about
or examine to the bone.
It's not a penis nor vagina
it's just a part
that plays with heart
when tooting the bean of Lima.
that's funny! (some aren't so quiet, though...)
my sister lives in elk grove, by the way.
Who's gonna write an ode to the perineum, now?
Is that the fancy word for the "taint"?
Yup. Short for "it ain't one or t'other."
How tawdry this place has become. I blame butrflynet...
patiodog wrote:How tawdry this place has become. I blame butrflynet...
Please explain your rudeness.
I think the proper term for taint, is "grundle."
I think he was kidding. He's a dog, you know.
I was, I was joking! (Here I am bringing taints into it, and've done far worse.)
I will add a belated emoticon to express my benign, nay, friendly intentions:
Anode to Uranus
Lucky I am who has not seen,
Not heard, nor felt, nor known such keen
Involvement in behind the scene
Fruits of partly-digested bean.
Thank heavens, I say,
That you are away
Up there betwixt the ray
Of Jupiter & Neptune, the Gray.
Give me a smile from your face.
Do not, I prithee show me lace
Of underpanty. And please, I beg you base
Another poem upon a gentler case.
Just kiddin' -- go ahead, you cannot gross me out.
Johnny Knoxville of MTV's "Jackass" refers to it as the "gooch".
I would have never known it had so many names.
Who'd have thought
That my gut rot
Expelled as fart
Could be art!
I do say
If I'd my way
The gas I pass
Would shine like glass!
(Thought I'd go for the obvious rhyme, dincha?)
Are we friends, butrfly?
Uhmmm, lovely. Gotta have that rhyme. I 'specially like your first stanza. It can stand on its own quite nicely. I think you ought to start writing that on bathroom walls around the U.
Was meant to be two separate ones -- the second added as an afterthought.
And I would start writing it if our janitorial staff didn't seem so beleaguered to begin with...
Ahhh, that makes sense.
Nice that you're being kind to the janitors. How 'bout at the Blue Moon then? It seems sort of appropriate.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm... maybe next time I'm down at the Old Pequliar...
I'd look for it, but I don't generally go into the men's room.
Hmmm. I'll have to go into the women's, then...