Tue 30 May, 2006 07:45 am
So, what'd didja all have this morning in Boston, and thereabouts.
I'm in the Southwest and had Cheerios, btw.
Thanks in advance
I've always assumed Capt'n Crunch was the prefered breakfast of the south-west. YOu say Cheerios?
Cheerios it is.
Okay, the topic has been up for an hour, and the only response is from the southwest. I'm putting Boston down as BEANS.
I had two bananas, but that's Austin for ya.
Eggs and toast. And I'm in Wisconsin.
Okay, everybody in the world knows what goes on in the Southwest, now. I'll have to take Wisconsin as typical of Eastern breakfasts - except Boston, which remains "beans".
A yogurt smoothie and a cereal bar. (Oklahoma)
Crow . . . i predict the Congress will be eatin' crow . . .
Roger, Dys called you a Republican in another thread about breakfast.
Grapenuts, grapefruit juice and poached salmon in the Poconos.
Well, Set, ah
I really wish he would have said conservative - just to make a clear distinction between our President and myself.
Such high hopes; so little gratification.
Appology and correction offered, Roger is indeed a conservative rather than a republican. (He does eat cheerios)
Eastern Breakfast
Toasted bagel with butter and jam. YummmmMYY!
That's what I had, except Mortadella instead of roastbeef, and Espresso
in sunny southern California.
a Lifesaver popsicle at about 6 a.m., followed by an apple danish and 3 cups of Darjeeling tea at about 10 a.m.