First of all, its on Fox news
Second of all, that news channel put a spin on it... the car doesn't run on water, it runs on that magical HHO gas (which is a fancy way of saying H2 and O2). Read your physics books!!!! a water powered car is no more feasible than a perpetual motion machine.
A hydrogen/oxygen powered car IS feasible and his little escort wagon is currently running as a gasoline powered car supplemented with a little H2 and O2 from some electrolysis.
and by the way... that channel apologized later for misinformation on the subject. Listen to what they really say! They never say its a water powered car. They say its a gasoline/HHO dual fuel vehicle, which is no more spectacular than a gasoline car with nitrous injection.
GOD, PEOPLE LET'S BE REALISTIC!!!! It has nothing to do with oil conspiracies or government coverups. Its simple technology, and if we start believing what Fox news has to say, we're all going to be riding unicorns and dragons in the future.