The Lack of Fear of God (Unproductive)
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of knowledge: [but] fools despise wisdom and instruction.
We recently learned in
The Fear of God (Productive) that all fears have similar characteristics. And because of these similar characteristics they are oftentimes hard to distinguish. All fears have the ability to simultaneously hinder, impede, restrain, check, control, lead, and direct. We learned that contrary to popular belief, fear is not always negative or bad. There are different types, levels, shapes and forms of fear. Fears can be classified as constructive, productive and justified, or they can be classified as destructive, non productive and exaggerated. Certain fears can lead to a healthy and prolonged life; while other fears can lead to a miserable life and death.
We also learned that Constructive or Productive fear is the type of fear which One should have of God. Constructive or Productive fears are those which lead to a prolonged life. They accomplish this by making One aware of the guidelines and boundaries which surround their life. An example of the benefits of Productive Fear can be seen before the fall of Adam and Eve. Now, currently we shall examine the lack of fear, specifically the lack of Productive or Constructive Fear. This is the state which certain Believers and the world are currently in.
The Lack of Productive Fear has other names which we are familiar with. It may also be known as temerity, audacity, effrontery, hardihood, nerve, cheek, gall, and chutzpah. In today's world these things are often seen as confidence, and conviction. But in reality, if One really examines them, One will see that they are actually foolishness parading as confidence and conviction. Believers must understand that, a man who does not fear God is but a fool who is slowly but surely moving towards his destruction.
The Lack of Productive Fear is very deceptive. This is because of its ability to do two things. First it has the ability to disguise, itself as conviction and confidence. To the untrained mind, an individual who insists on jumping in front of a speeding truck for no reason, while proclaiming that God has instructed him, may seem full of confidence and conviction. But if One will search deeper, One will see that he or she is most likely deranged, or suicidal.
Secondly, the Lack of Productive Fear has the ability to do all those things which Productive Fear is able to do. It can hinder, impede, restrain, and check. While it is doing these things, it can also simultaneously control, lead, and direct. The difference is that unlike Productive Fear, the Lack of Productive Fear hinders, impedes, restrains, and checks, Life. While it is doing this, it is simultaneously controlling, leading, and directing One to Death. The Lack of Productive Fear accomplishes this feat in three steps. First, by deadening and dulling One's awareness, it puts the Body to sleep (
Dan. 12:2) Secondly, as it deadens or dulls One's awareness, it begins to interfere with the Body's ability to judge correctly. Thirdly, because of the deadened awareness and the inability to judge correctly, God's established guidelines and boundaries will be violated.
For example the fear of crocodiles is a Productive Fear. It doesn't stop man from using the various lakes and rivers that are inhabited by crocodiles. The fear heightens man's awareness and knowledge regarding these beasts. And as a result of this increased awareness and knowledge, he becomes aware of the boundaries and guidelines surrounding the crocodiles and their habitat. When followed correctly these boundaries and guidelines prevent injury and death.
Now if man's Productive Fear is taken away, his awareness of the crocodile would immediately begin to wane. As his awareness wanes, he now becomes less vigilant in his actions, and he will begin to lose his ability to judge correctly. As he begins to lose his ability to judge correctly, he will begin to violate some of the boundaries and guidelines which were put in place to protect and prolong his life. As he violates some of these boundaries and guidelines, he will become more audacious. As he becomes more audacious, he will move to break and violate all of the established boundaries and guidelines. By breaking and violating the boundaries and guidelines, he is now on the path to certain death. In his impaired state, he will stumble into the crocodile and will be destroyed.
If you will look at the story of Adam and his wife, you will see the perfect example of what occurs when Productive Fear is removed. In (
Gen. 3:1-4) we see the serpent as he attempts to coax Adam's wife to partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you will notice, at the beginning of the conversation the woman is full of Productive Fear. She is fully aware of the boundaries and guidelines which were instituted to protect her life and the life of Adam. She is so aware of them to the point that when she is questioned by the serpent, she recites these boundaries, guidelines, and the consequences for violating them (
Gen 3:2-3). As the conversation continues, the serpent removes this Productive Fear (
Gen 3:4). He accomplishes this by removing the fear of death (
Gen. 3: 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: ). As this Productive Fear is removed, her sense of awareness is deadened and her judgement becomes impaired. She now becomes audacious. What was once seen as causing death, and therefore to be avoided, is now seen as pleasant, desirable and leading to life (
Gen 3:6). In her audacity, she reaches into the tree and violates the boundaries and guidelines which were there for her benefit. By her own choosing, she has now decided that she no longer desires to live.
Believers must comprehend that, though some may think it to be; the Lack of Productive Fear is not advantageous. It is the main causative agent in the fall of Adam and his wife. Contrary to the teachings of today's popular pundits, One must fear God. The relationship with God must be established on Productive fear. Without the fear of God, One goes to sleep. The Body loses awareness, and also the ability to judge its situation correctly. With this loss of awareness and the ability to judge, the boundaries and guidelines which prolong One's life become incomprehensible.
Finally, Believers must also understand this: Audacity is not a quality that One should admire. He who is audacious does not respect the laws of God, and therefore is not a person to be held in high esteem. He is to be shunned and not followed. His path is crooked. He will eventually lead all of those who follow him to death and destruction.
To know the unknown one must first realise the known"
Ecclesiastes 8:13 But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong [his] days, [which are] as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.