Scott wrote:here is will only deal with the four corners of the earth
corner 1 north pole
corner 2 south pole
corner 3 any point on any side of the earth half way between the north and south.
corner 4 then is exactly opposite of corner three.
so yes you can get 4 corners in a circle just like you can fit a small square than a circle that will touch 4 points in said circle hence the four corners of the earth. very simple actually.
Perhaps you have lost sight of the definition of a corner.
1. The position at which two lines, surfaces, or edges meet and form an angle: the four corners of a rectangle.
2. The area enclosed or bounded by an angle formed in this manner: sat by myself in the corner; the corner of one's eye.
When the Bible speaks of four corners it's not speaking of a direction or vector. It's speaking of a flat surface with four corners. For them that was the shape of the earth.
Since humans wrote the Bible and not God it would be understandable that they would view the earth as flat.
If God wrote the Bible he clearly would have said the earth was a sphere. He didn't.
He would never had made the earth the center of the universe.
He never would have written such nonsense as making the sun stand still for 24 hours.
Humans, ignorant of the most basic science, would write such things. It's this ignorance of science that shows us the Bible was not written by God.