littlek wrote:
Too bad it's a pinoak. When I see the form of that willow, all I can think of is pinoak. When I see the leaves all thoughts of oak disappear. Then there's the bark...... it's like a pinoak-white willow hybrid.
I've never heard of a pinoak!
It looks remarkably like it, though.
I'll look them up.
PS....smorgs was typically English polite and PM'd me to ask if she could post her tree on my thread, it being about special trees, an' all.
That tree holds a special meaning for her, and so I didn't hesitate. I think that we all should have a special tree on display somewhere.
I'm glad that I posted my Willow before they chopped it down. I'm sure she won't mind me just explaining the reason for posting it. If it were me, I'd be as proud as punch that I had a tree planted in my honour. She's too modest, methinks, and I'll now probably have my head chopped off for telling you.