Thu 18 May, 2006 07:26 am
I like the last three--but for the first one, all i see is a red square. Perhaps i'm failing to get that image completely loaded--otherwise, a red square is a red square is a red square . . .
I can't see a thing. Of course, I'm at work so I wonder if the network is filtering out images for some reason...
More gif's
Here's some more I made. I did these in like two days.
I'm home now and I can get a look at them. Very cool. But really, how dizzy do you get?
What are you listening to there in that 'variation on headbanging' pic?
Re: Another one
What I'd like to know is HOW you do it? Would you be willing to share what programs you use?
Wow that's awesome, as someone who's been making more GIF's lately I can only imagine how time consuming they might have been