Spider, I may be a hidden fan of yours, but I was put off, way back when you started posting here, regarding your sort of presciptives for people. I remember being rather spikey for minutes at a time on one or the other of your threads, if only in my own mind.
Someone like me now listens to no one's prescriptives, and you may or may not either as you age. That is, I'll listen, but I don't just twist.
Heh, I was married to a guy that did that. You get to follow the spouse's new enthusasium, go along, or bail.
I've seen you as looking to programmatic ways to succeed. My own instincts are not in that direction, perhaps to my loss.
There's been a New Yorker article on Will Wright recently, the guy a seeming ne'er do well that has had immense influence over gaming re human planning. Whatever (I've no interest in all that, not that it isn't valuable).... whatever, he thought for himself all the way.
You're welcome, Spidey. I hope I'm not getting to prescriptive. Sometimes this little tweak or that one can help someone get un-stuck, learn more about their own writing process, and come up with their own new strategy.
Wow, this thread is still featured!
Just to apprise all the posters of my success:
A US national glossy is going to run one of my stories in their May issue, and another one has accepted my proposal!
Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone. I appreciate all the help.