It doesn't matter to me if a person looks Goth, neonazi, hippie, or anything else. All that matters is what they are inside. Yes, people get impressions, but sometimes impressions are all they care about. They don't always care to dig to find the truth, and get to know the hearts of the people they come in contact with.
Sure, that's not possible with everyone. The person walking down the street is not always someone you CAN bother to get to know. But I think that looking at them and getting an "impression" without any facts can be sad, because it can often lead to intolerance.
I do admit that some people look scary, and ARE scary....and you can't just blindly wecome everyone with open arms. But sometimes, putting a blind eye to first impressions can be a very good thing, because you meet a diverse group of people and can truly become friends with a wider variety of life. That's a beautiful thing.
There is so much intolerance now. Some people like to poke fun at others for being "different." I am a Calyr Elf, and people look at me as if I am a member of some radical cult, when nothing could be further from the truth. Acceptance of diversity in all things is the true matter what you wear or look like.
Forgive me if I sound like Mary Poppins. I'm new here, so I may still have a lot to learn. Thanks for your tolerance.