Setanta wrote:Merry Andrew wrote:Setanta wrote:So you're claiming Hey-Zeus was a Kelt?
More likely Norwegian. The Celts got their reddish twinge from the numerous Norse invasions while the Vikings were building Dublin and other towns on the Emerald Isle.
You're going to have a problem with the ethnologists, MA. Most of them (but by no means all) consider red hair to be a trait of the Kelts, and many (perhaps a majority) believe that it comes from the Picts. That last one is not convincing to me. There are Keltic communities far, far from Scotland which have been there for millennia, and which have red haired members--such as that in central Anatolia, which has resulted in red-haired Turks in the modern age.
Now, see, I'm gonna have a prob with them ethnologists again. I always ascribed the incidence of red and blond hair among modern-day Turks to the Viking hordes as well. As you well know, the Byzantine emperors were wont to hire Norsemen for their corps of personal bodyguards. Nobody but a berserker could be trusted as part of the Varingian Guard. (I once knew a young woman from Turkey whom I would have identified as Swedish by sight alone, had I not known her true ethnicity.)