Tue 9 May, 2006 09:26 am
the clock on my Rainsoft system does not progress. I hear the motor "humming" but my second tank timer does not hum.. sound like a bad clock/timer motor? If so, where do I need to start to replace? Pull the face plate off the Rainsoft system?... thanks... Also, the timer regenerate needle "stuck" right at the point it was to regenerate (if this helps in diagnosis).. Thanks in advance..
Chances are good the index lever and anti backlash pawl are worn.
You can still find the anti backlash pawl, but the index lever is not available.
I wish I had better news, but the timer plate is obsolete and RainSoft will not repair it.
Your options are to replace the valve - I just did this swap today for a client -
or you can purchase a whole new system.
Was afraid of that... Would a Fleck valve fit on a rainsoft resin tank? (ie: the Fleck 2500 series or 5600 series?) I have the Amazon system. what do you recommend? I have bypass valves, is it possible to get a Fleck series and utilize the existing bypass valves by "threading" the new Fleck Valve? that would save me from sweating copper!
How about this as a solution: I do have 2 tanks, a larger (#2) and smaller (#1) both which alternate each days regenerations. The larger (#2) has the timer problem. Not sure why there's two since they alternate days of regeneration. I just purchased the home a year ago and the system was already in place. What if I just disconnect #2, bypass the water to #1 and use that?
Both systems are tied into one electrical line with one plug via a junction box... . Would it be advisable to disconnect the power to the #2 tank by (via removing the wiring in the inline junction box) and leaving tank #2 in place with no power. Then, tank #1 would become the main source of regeneration...
shelbydog25 wrote: I do have 2 tanks, a larger (#2) and smaller (#1) both which alternate each days regenerations.
Can you post or send me a picture of this set up?
Yes, a Fleck will fit on a RS tank, but there is more to the swap than that.
Copper to plastic without sweating should not be a problem.
Sure, this site won't let me PM you since i'm "just hatched"
... I can email it to your business email address if ok...or email me with yours...
I'll send some detailed photo's.. give me a week as this setup is at a vacation home on the water... thanks...