Sat 6 May, 2006 08:54 am
Back when Fleet Bank was still a Fleet Bank, May was a month when one with a Fleet Bank ATM card could get into museums and such for free. Anyone knows if it's still true with the Bank of America that has swallowed up the Fleet Bank?
Would you repeat that please?
Are you a Bostonian? If not, kindly bugger outta here!
Looks like they still do, friend.
Don't say good ol' Slappy never gave you anything(except for a rare, lethal, airborne disease).
slappy, you're the bestest! off to hit them all! (museums)
Friend-in-town museum trips!
We hit the Arts First weekend in Harvard Square instead. It was fun. Trinkets, music, food... then we sprawled on the lawn in Hahvahd Yahd. tough.
Alright, since we're featured in here.
I plan to USE the Bank of America card this year, unlike last year. I want to go to the Fogg and Isabela Gardner museums (shame on me that I've never been!).
What else should I not miss?
The Sackler Museum is just down the street. Have you been to the natural history museum?
Sackler, I haven't been. we should go. maybe more bostonians would go on a cultural outing?
Not this weekend. I'm yurting...
<gasp> that's this weeeknd?!? Jeez, I hope it warms up and dries out!
ouch. you'll be hurting after yurting in this weather.
No way! I wanna play in the rain! (Quinn will NOT be pleased! hehehe)
Oh YAY! Sounds like.... fun.... (what do i know...)
Well, it's a little late to tell you this, since it was the weekend just past, but keep it in mind for May next year: Somerville Open Studios--something over 100 Somerville artists and craftspeople, pottery studios and galleries opened their doors to everyone. You do know about all the other Open Studios in the area, right? Most of them in October and November, but some in spring. Cambridgeport Open Studios out to be coming up. Unless it's already been. Will google and see.
Yes, I love the open studios. Did that a few times in the past, cannot wait for the Cambidgeport ones.
Oh well, never mind. It's September 9-10, somehow I remember it as being springlike.