Thu 4 May, 2006 07:13 pm
Would a female-version of James Bond work as a movie? What would you name her? Who would portray her? What would her would-be male assassins' and lovers' names be? What would the quote-able lines be? Titles?
Okay, since you've dragged me over here now.
Guy names:
Plenty O'Toole (Diamonds Are Forever) would work equally well for a man.
The previously mentioned Dick Galore, son of Pussy.
Who would play her . . . Keira Knightly?
Dick Galore. I love that. That's hilarious.
I think it could work.
Dagmar Bond
Julianna Bond
Deidra Bond
Fiona BOnd
Mia Bond
Zoe Bond
Robin Bond
Jade Bond
Goldfinger and man with a goldern gun are automatically good names.
I think Kiera Knightley would be good to play the lead. I originally thought Angelina Jolie, but she may be hitting the wall, what with the pregnancy and all.
Hey, before you jump all over me for that last remark, I'm CASTING here, trying to think Hollywood.
Chastity Bond....along with Hung Blue!
HA, I crack myself up!!! :wink:
Ok, Seriously, a leading lady that would work.....
Humm, Katherine Zeta Jones?
Jolie is too marketted. I like K Z Jones..... she could work.
I haven't really liked her in any movies till Ocean's 12....
But Brad Pitt and her had some chemistry in the movie, maybe he could be her Bond
Jones is MUCH too long in the tooth. You want a vehicle with legs, somebody we can make films with for the next 10 years.
I like that idea! The bunch of hottie Bond guys...
Taye Diggs
Rupert Everett (hey, he'd make a great Bond, if we're going in this direction a gay Bond could be interesting -- oooh, that one has potential!!)
Brad Pitt
Johnny Depp
George Clooney
George clooney yes!
I still say KZ Jones is perfect.
Yeah, Bond can't be too young. Experienced, wily.
She has to be sturdy, she has to be not terribly young, she has to have poise and grace...... Jones!
My name is Bond. Whoopie Bond.
Halle Berry would make a great Bond....
Halle Berry, Uma Thurma, Renee Zellweger - all dem scrawny types just don't look believable to me. They'd snap in half if smacked by the first random villain. I am all for Zeta Jones.
How bout Charlize Theron? She's tall, long legged and can play monstrous woman!